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The battle is brewing red hot, the end is getting near. The final battle between the demon who had cursed the asylum into its own personal hell years ago, and Tom and his friends, who had been locked in by the demon, had now come face to face with it to earn the one thing they all desire: Freedom.

But could the five of them avenge what they had lost? Could the demon stand a chance against lowly mortals like them? The showdown was about to begin. Tom had charged forward as the rest followed to aid him. The demon ran straight for them as well, as Tom and the others had raised their weapons, the demon had prepared his claws out.

The clash then started as Tom had hit the demon through the legs, making it lose its balance. Then the group circled around him attacking him from every direction, The demon was unable to hit them back, then Tom, full of anger and confidence raised his pipe in the ready, aiming for the demon's head, Any moment now the demon would die they would emerge victorious.

But, to his and everyone's shock, the demon had caught the pipe. They tried to attack to distract the demon, but the demon had shoved them all away, to the walls of its personal hell.

They thought they were done for, but the demon had other plans, because the demon didn't go for any of them he went straight to Tom.

"Feel the pain swelling up your body yet?" said the demon sadistically.

Tom weakly got up from his feet, blood slowly streaming slowly from his head from the hit he took from the shove earlier. "It doesn't matter, I'll still fight," he said weakly. The demon laughed so loud that the cave echoed its laughter over and over again.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that." the demon said. "But you're too stupid to think that you can fight!" he shouted with a nasty grin.

As the demon insulted Tom's perseverance, Percy got up from the floor and slowly processed what was happening around him. Once he did, he ran straight forward to the demon's back then hit its head. The demon fell to the floor, it looked pretty agitated, as it looked behind and saw and exhausted yet angry Percy,

"You bastard" the demon said lowly as it growled angrily.

"You can't... hurt him... any more." Percy said as he shot mean looked at the demon.

"Percy, don't!" shouted Tom.

"Shut up, Tom. You're beat" Percy snapped back at him. "I'll fight him!"
Tom protested "You can't beat him, he's too powerful!"
But Percy ignored his protest, he raised his rusted frying pan like a baseball bat as the demon prepared his claws. Tom's body felt frozen, Percy was right. He couldn't fight after all. His body had taken too much but he didn't listen. His arrogance must have gone over his head.

"Well, I can't stop you now can't i?" Tom asked, Percy nodded. He then sat down as he rested to regain the energy he had lost.

"So you step in his place, I suppose?" the demon annoyingly asks. Percy didn't reply, "Perfect" the demon muttered as he struck the first blow at Percy, while Percy blocked the attack with a frying pan.

The demon shoved Percy aside as it dealt the second blow, Percy's back was now covered in bruises and scratches, as his blood scattered slowly around his white shirt. He got up while wincing from the stinging pain coming from his wounds.

Tom wanted to help Percy, but couldn't move, his body was too weak to even stand up. He was grinding his teeth out of pain and anger, Percy couldn't strike one blow at the demon as he defended himself with the frying pan he had,

But Percy can't just defend forever, as the demon hit the frying pan that Percy used as a shield, he hit it with more force each time it attacked until, Bang. The frying pan had reached its limit. Percy was now left defenseless, as the demon shoved him again. He was cornered in the cave's wall with the demon in front of him ready to strike the final blow, it prepared, it aimed, it grinned as Percy watched itself prepare, it striked. He closed his eyes, would he see Tom and his new friends again? He opened his eyes. To his and everyone's horror, Jessie had stood in the way as the demon was supposed to deal the final blow, And she had taken the blow instead.

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