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She looked at Percy weakly, her feelings were mixed. After everything she had done, why would they save her? She made the group her enemies, she broke off her friendship with Lily. But why? She was still confused why they saved her. She sat back up and looked at Percy looking happy. "Percy... Why would you help me? After everything I've done to everyone." she asked weakly.

"Friends are supposed to be there for each other. They don't leave one behind." answered Percy.

Mia's face started to bring tears in her eyes. No one in the world had tried to help her. Even her family, who helped her dozens of times, never loved her. For they wanted riches than a pretty spoiled girl like her.

Percy hugged her tight as cried her heart out from the guilt and regret she had. As she kept on crying Percy patted her back so she could calm down. Tom, Lily and Jessie smile as they are happy that she was saved in the nick of time.

Mia was crying tears of joy. She was alive! They deeply cared for her after all, even if she wasn't on good terms with the others.

""I'm sorry for being an asshole to you guys." she said with guilt running through her mind.

"Oh don't worry about it." Tom spoke.

"We forgive you for all the trouble you caused." added Lily.

"We're friends after all," Jessie added.

Mia stopped crying as she hugged Jessie and Lily.

"I'm sorry for treating you harshly. Please forgive me." she pleaded. The two nod and they happily hug. Percy hangs his arm on Tom's shoulder. "Well that went well for the three of them. Tom nodded as he watched the three make up for their mistakes.

Mia walks closer to Tom as she looks at him in his eyes. He was smiling. That was strange. He usually gave her a dead look when she talked to him, But it's different. He was now smiling at her.

Mia understands that Tom has forgiven her and is now friends with her. She now had a lot of friends to help her. But she didn't find them as tools to use anymore. She reached into the pocket of her jeans and took out the key she snatched from them. "I think this belongs to you." she handed back the key to Tom, Tom gave the key to Percy (For safekeeping.) and Percy put it in his backpack to prevent losing it again.

They walked out of the pool room of the area. With Mia now on their side. as they tried to find a way back, the only thing they could see was the long hallway that seemed like it stretched endlessly. They walked in the long hallway and the only thing they could see every wall was 2 doors left and right, but the view was still black.

"How long do these hallways stretch?" Percy was puzzled. However the group kept walking. As minutes passed they walked through the same hallway again and again in circles.

"We've been walking forever. My legs are tired." complained Percy.

"Oh stop your whining Percy." said Tom who was having enough of Percy's endless complaints and whining.

"I think he's right Tom. I noticed the doors as we kept walking forward. I saw the same numbers labeled on each door." Lily spoke as she observed the surroundings very closely.

It was then Tom realized that they were stuck in a labyrinth. He thought of what the old lady said. "There might be a soul possessing this area," he thought to himself. He stopped walking as he heard a voice whisper "Stay with me, forevermore." The group heard it too. So they brought out their weapons and looked around their surroundings, just in case the voice came close enough to them. It faded as they kept listening.

"It might be near so let's split directions. Percy and Lily will go with me, Mia and Jessie, you go the other way." instructed Tom.

The group followed his instructions, Lily and Percy were with Tom and Mia and Jessie were all together. As the three kept walking the direction Tom instructed them to go to, he suddenly realized they didn't have weapons. He was focused on getting out and he forgot that they don't have weapons, and sent them in the other way defenseless. "Crap! I forgot to give them weapons!" Tom realized. He took a crowbar and a mallet. And looked at the two "Sorry guys, I forgot to give them weapons. I'll leave you for a moment and guide those two, they might be weak at fighting." Tom explained as he waved goodbye as he ran off to reach Mia and Jessie.

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