Chapter Fifty-Six

Start from the beginning

I walked away from Keon not even feeling the need to speak to anymore. Wasn't like I was listening to him anyway. I shifted my bag and began digging in my bag for my AirPods. I just needed to do something to occupy my brain.

Today was Friday, so I would just go to the house and relax, but I don't even know if I want to go there either. I took a deep exhale as I stepped outside. I might just smoke and binge watch something.


My high was wearing off and I was just so disappointed and annoyed. I just wanted to be high again, but the more I smoke the less good my highs feel. I walked around the house bored out of my mind. Elijah was home, but he was working in his office. Gray was on his way home now as it around nine.

I don't ever bother them when they're working, only sometimes. I know better than disturb them, so I leave them alone. I just miss when Eli would call me and tell me that he wanted me to do something for him. Now he doesn't do it anymore.

He'll only call me when he wants me to organize a few papers, but he doesn't do anything with me. Neither of them do and it was sort of frustrating. I wanted our relationship to go back to normal. I wanted them to pick me up, tease me, annoy me and just actually touch me.

I miss being in the playroom with them, they haven't asked me to engage in any sort of play. They never do anything and at this point it was just getting to me. I just feel useless and to the point where I have no use to them. I'm just a pity thing they keep around.

Elijah must be knowing that I was thinking about him, because he walked into the kitchen. We both looked at each other, but he doesn't enter the kitchen. He rested against the wall with his arms folded.

His hair was curly than usual lately, maybe it was because he got a haircut. He had cut his a bit lower and his hair would just curl naturally even more now. He had a stubble growing in that made him look attractive, as he looked young and old.

He wore a black t-shirt and black sweatpants. He was dressed basically and yet my heart still fluttered for a second. He was just soo sexyy and cute.

"You've been in here for 20 minutes now," he said.

"You're watching me," I respond.

"I was checking on you," he objects.

"Well I'm fine."

His face faltered for a second and he collected himself. He unfolded his arms and stepped forward into the kitchen.

"I don't believe you," he said.

"Ugh, please not this again," I groaned.

He doesn't respond to me, but move towards the fridge and get out the pineapple that was in a container. He put it on the counter and he didn't say anything else. I hated the way he was acting, hated how they treated me now.

"Honestly, why are you and Gray treating me like this?" I ask.

"Like what?"

"Like a baby, like you have to be careful when you're around me. You treat me differently."

"We treat you like we always do, you pout all the time when you want something or when you don't want to do anything, you whine and complain, you get whatever you want. We treat you the same," he explained.

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