Chapter Fifty-Four

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Christmas Day

I sat around on the couch watching the twins open up their presents first. Kameron was most excited since he got a PS5 and that's the only thing he's been wanting recently. Micheal was going to get it for him, but so was I. I gave Micheal half so I still put something towards his gift.

Kaia got new shoes, lululemon and Stanley cups. I found her Christmas list to be the most basic thing ever, but whatever she wants she gets. Adam was sitting across from me deep in his phone. We haven't said a single word to each other.

We would come up here together for Christmas, but instead he came alone. I would understand he would want space, but he was ignoring me completely. He hasn't said anything to me and when we have to talk to each other it's short words.

Everyone in the house obviously picked up on his bad energy. Selena even keeps joking that Adam has turned into me and become all Grumpy. He didn't laugh at any of the jokes. They have been trying to pry it out of him, but to no avail he's silent.

It was his turn to open his gifts, but he opened everyone else's but the ones I gave him. He just tossed them to the side. He was upset, but he could still open them.

"Son, what's wrong? What did your Uncle Gray do that bad?" Michael questioned.

"Why don't you fucking ask him," he retorts.

"Okay, you're mad, but don't talk to your dad like that," Selena scolds.

"Jeez bro what's got your panties in a twist," Kameron comments.

"Uncle Gray, what did you turn him into Grumpy?" Kaia asked.

Everyone's attention was on me. I already told mom what happened, so she didn't need to be told anything. I looked at her and she nodded her head. If I didn't say it, he would. I looked at him and he was scowling at me.

"Iris is our submissive," I spoke.


"Are you fucking serious!"

"HA! I knew it, I fucking knew it," Kaia cackled.

Kaia jumps up like she just discovered the best thing in the world. She couldn't stop laughing and her and Kameron high fived each other.

"I fucking told you that it was her," she laughed.

"Maynn, what the hell."

"Pay me right now! Gimme me my money!"

"Wait.. what?" Selena said, confused.

"Iris, as the Iris that came with Adam?" Michael

She looked at me with so much confusion in her face and eyes. Disbelief sinking into her very face. Micheal looked confused as well, his eyes were narrowed and his brows trying to process if he heard right. Dad was he silent. I'm sure he knew as well, but the shake he did said enough.

He wasn't a man of many words anymore. His face would tell you would all need to know. Selena sat forward on the couch moving her hair back.

"Gray tell me this is a joke?" She asks, nervously.

"Nahhh, we said twenty if-."

"Give me my money bitch ass, fifty upfront right now!"

"Both of you stop! This isn't a joke." Selena scolded.

They both got quiet again, but they were laughing about it. Little fucking shits. Selena looks at me and I nodded my head at her.

"It's not, Elijah and I are sharing Iris."

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