Chapter Sixty-Three

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Two Months Later

I put away the dishes and I wiped down the kitchen counter. The kitchen was clean and the living room was clean. I needed to sweep the floors and mop. I shuffled over to the side and I grabbed the broom. I started to sweep the floor from the kitchen and leading into the living room, then starting all over the living room gathering all the dirt and dust.

Elijah and Gray were coming to see me as it was my birthday soon. They had time off and I had time off from school. I have adjusted to being back in Chicago and going to school here.

I definitely miss LA, but I also liked being at home. I was able to hang out with Hailey more and our friendship was closer than highschool. We both go to the same community college, so we hang out with each other.

I sometimes speak to Brooke and Rebecca, but not as much I used to when I first left. Life caught up to all three of us, especially me. I had to work, take care of my mom and attend school. I had to find a medium balance that would allow me to not overwork myself.

That meant less time for me being on FaceTime trying to keep up with what was happening over there. I did find time to FaceTime Gray and Eli, but time got to us too. We just didn't have time for each other anymore.

I was dreading this feeling, but I was glad that they were coming. That meant we could talk about the change in our relationship and I knew what was going to happen. I would have to let them go and move on.

The pang of hurt filled my chest and this undeniable empty ache in my chest stayed. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but I just didn't expect it this soon. I wanted to ignore that we had grown distant and our lives didn't get busy with other things, but it did. I was still happy that they were coming and I was feeling pretty ecstatic.

Mom thinks I'm cleaning up the place in general, but it was because they were coming. I finished sweeping the floor, then mopped up. Since I had finished cleaning, I wanted to smoke just before they came. I needed to smoke my pain away and pretend that everything was normal for me.

I grabbed my cardigan and I slipped on my crocs. I made sure I had a twenty in my pocket. I opened the door and I closed it behind me. I went down the steps, but then I saw a Black Mercedes pull up. They had the absoulte perfect timing. I screamed from excitement and skipped the two steps going down.

Elijah got out the car first and I pulled open the gates jumping into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him as he caught me holding me. He laughed as he held me up by the thighs. I missed the scent of his cologne so much. I missed his touch, his cuddles, his kisses. I missed everything about him. I gave him a big kiss on the lips and he kissed me back still holding onto me tight.

"Hi princess," he smiled.

"Hi daddy."

I pressed another kiss to his lips before hopping out of his arms and I did the same to Gray. We shared a slow sensual kiss, before I heard a banging on a window. I pulled away from the kiss with Gray and saw my mom banging on her bedroom window.

"If you don't stop that shit!"

I laughed as I got out of Gray's arm and they both waved at her. She scowled and moved away from the window. Mom accepted my relationship with them and she was also super grateful that Gray was paying for her medical bills. I just don't think she likes to accept the fact she has to see me with both of them. This would also be her first time meeting Elijah.

She knows abour Elijah being my teacher which makes her dislike him more, but I had to assure it wasn't like that. Although the reference Elijah wrote me was expectional and I didn't have to start my course all over, because of him.

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