Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I pushed the covers off me and slid to the edge of the bed. I was so tired, even though I took a nap, they used up my energy. I felt good waking up though, my throat was freshly double fucked. I yawned and stretched.

I took my phone off the charger and saw a message from Brooke. I replied and gave her a small lil catchup on the situation not including the late night blowjob. I pushed myself off the bed.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the light. I yawned again and rubbed my eyes. I drifted towards the shower. I took a decent amount of time to shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I changed into some leggings and a baggy shirt. I was heading Gray's warning and decided by covering up that way I don't get into any type of trouble.

I open my door and close it behind me. Elijah walked out the room across from me. I didn't know that was his room. We stared at each other for a moment.

"Good morning, Iris," he says, dryly.

I feel my heart tug a little. I mean Iris is my name, but he always calls me princess. I just sucked your dick and you're calling me Iris? I have been getting in a bad habit of pouting. I pouted a little bit, I thought we were at least a tad bit okay.

"Good morning, Elijah," I mumbled.

I walked off and I could hear him behind me. I could smell the food being cooked in the kitchen. It smelled so good. I put a smile on my face and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning everyone," I beam.

"Good morning sweetie, How was your sleep?" Selena asks.

"It was really good," I lied.

"Oh, this is my mom Isabella," she introduces.

I noticed a woman near the stove cooking pancakes. She looked at me, she smiled at me and she gave me a warm inviting smile.

I see where all of them get their genes from. Adam, Selena, and Gray had taken all their features from her.

"Oh, you must be the young lady that Adam has been talking about," she smiles.

"He really can't keep me out his mouth can he?" I joke.

"No, he was so excited when he called saying he wanted to bring someone," she says.

"Oh, yes. Mom I'm bringing a girl with me, you're gonna love her. She is so pretty and beautiful. She's perfect," Selena goes on.

"He said all of that?" I laugh.

"He did," Isabella nods.

Wow, he must have really been excited.

"Is the food ready or are you going to keep talking about me?" Adam says.

I turned around and he had his arm crossed. He was wearing sweatpants and a wife beater. He looked cute. His hair was wet, so I took it as he just came out of the shower.

"Go wake the twins up will you."

"Alright," he exhales.

He turns around and walks off.

"Oh and tell grumpy to come downstairs for breakfast soon," Selena yells.

"Okay," he replies.

I help out with making breakfast so time can go by faster. I put the eggs, breakfast potatoes, bacon all on different plates. I just needed to wait on the pancakes and waffles.

They finished fifteen minutes later and I started to bring everything towards the table. I was starving and ready to eat. I didn't eat anything yesterday as I had gone to sleep so early.

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