Chapter Sixty-Four

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I threw the bowling ball and I watched as it rolled towards the pin. I got a strike and I cheered as I spun on my heels looking back at them. They both gave me a high five and Elijah was up next. Grayson was looking up at the scoreboard and since I got the strike I was currently winning. Grayson was third and Elijah was second.

"You absolutely suck ass Gray," I teased.

"You still have a dirty mouth, Angel."

We gazed at each other and I sucked on my bottom lip a bit. That would mean that I was getting spanked tonight as well. I couldn't help myself and I smiled, because I already got my warning about tonight, so I was limiting my eating.

"You're turn Gray."

Gray went forward and grabbed a bowling ball. Elijah came and pulled me into him. He kissed my cheek and he rested behind me. I put my hands on his arms. We watched as Gray threw the ball and it went off to the side. I looked up at Elijah and he looked down at me, both of us laughing at how bad he was.

"Do you want the kiddie rails up?" Elijah mocked.

Gray looked back up at us sticking up his middle finger and grabbing another bowling ball. We laughed as we watched his second attempt and he only got two pins. He scowled and I pulled away from Elijah, going up for my turn. I didn't get a strike this time, but I go half the pins.

I was glad that I had chosen to do this instead of us going out to eat. I wanted to do something fun and I have been really wanting to go bowling. I wasn't even hungry. I was excited for tonight, so I wanted the cleaning process to be easy. Another reason why I couldn't eat was because I was anticipating the conversation.

All three of us knew that it had to be done, but I don't think any of us wants to discuss it. I loved having them around me again and being able to hang out with them, but knowing that this might be our last time in forever, just makes me sad.

We wrap up the game with Elijah being first, me second and Gray obviously last. He was so shit at bowling that was comical on it's own. They wanted to know if I was hungry and I declined the food. Instead we headed to the hotel, I wanted to have the conversation with them, so bad, but something was holding me back.

There was a pressure in my chest that didn't allow me to speak. It was like there was a clamp on my tongue that stopped me from speaking, so I just kept my feelings bottled up on the inside not wanting to say anything. I think they picked up on my off energy as they asked if I was okay.

I nodded my head and I went to go clean up in the bathroom. I had finished prepping and getting ready. I could hear their faint voices of getting ready and I looked in the mirror. I stared at myself in the mirror as tears pricked my eyes. I knew that this was out last time probably seeing each other in a long time. It might be even years before I see them again.

I rested my hand on the on the counter and the feelings I have been trying to ignore just came rushing over me. I missed them so much in the last two months and seeing them again is like opeing a fresh wound. My tears flowed out of my eyes as I bit my lip trembling, my breath shaking tring to reduce the sound of my cries.

I knew it would happen eventually, but not this soon. A overhwhelmig pressure built up in my chest and I had to cover my mouth as I tried to hold in my sob. My tears were controlabbly falling out and I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought as I was.

"Princess, why are you crying?"

"Because, this our lasting time together. I know that our relationship is over because of the distance, but.. I- I don't want it to be. I-," I stammered.

Elijah came over to me and he wrapped his arms around me. I gripped onto him as I began sobbing into his chest. I was losing the two people I have never felt better with, the two people I never expected to meet that just showed me what love felt like. He patted my head and I felt Grayson hug me as well from behind him.

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