Chapter Forty-Five

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"Iris, wake up," Adam says.

I groaned and turned over on the bed. I didn't want to wake up yet. I was still tired yesterday. I put the covers over my head. It probably wasn't even five yet. He better fuck the fuck off.

"Iris, come on, wake up," Adam nudges.

"No, I'm tired," I whine.

"Get the fuck up, you can sleep in the car," Grayson says.

"Uncle G, give her some time," Adam defends.

"No, we need to leave in thirty minutes."

"You grumpy ass troll," I yawned.

I sit up in bed and rub my eyes. I stared at them. They look alike, I would say that they were brothers. They do though, why did I never see the resemblance in Adam? I just wasn't thinking straight.

Gray rolled his eyes and he left the room. I stuck my middle finger up even though he wouldn't see. Adam laughed and I sighed, wanting to go back to see.

"You can sleep in the car, but I don't want to deal with Grump Gray so early in the morning."

"I know but damn," I mumbled.

"Start getting ready, breakfast is about to be done."

"Thanks Adam."

"You're welcome."

He leaves the room leaving me alone. I yawned again and got out of the bed. I stretched, while dragging my feet to the bathroom. I could feel the effects of a high sleep and I just feel extra groggy.

I took a quick warm shower and tried to not look like a zombie. I changed into something comfortable. I didn't have the energy to go change my wigs. I just put my bonnet on top of the one I already had on and left it there.

I packed up everything all I needed to do was bring it downstairs. I opened my door and thought about this. I had another bag, because of the clothes that I had bought, so that was two bags I had to bring down, but still they were both heavy. Elijah came up the stairs at the right time.

"Can you carry my bags downstairs please?" I ask, sweetly.

"Yes," he nods.

"Thank you."

I left Elijah to get my bags and I happily went down the stairs. I'm definitely going to sleep when I get in the car. I went downstairs and Isabella was talking to Grayson.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?" She asked.

"No, I had a troll come and disturb me," I laugh.

"Is the troll that loud?"


"You're going to shout for the troll's help when you're left at the side of the road," he snorts.

"Yeah, Prince Charming will save me," I gasp.

"Sure he will."

"I'm glad to see you back to normal," Isabella smiles.

She hugs me and I hug her back.

"It was nice meeting you, maybe you can see us again," she says.

"Maybe under different circumstances," she adds.

"Iris, come get some food before you leave," Selena shouts.

I dismissed myself and went to the kitchen. Selena had Nutella and banana toast on a plate for me.

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