Chapter Forty-Three

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I dragged myself out of the bed and yawned. I would prefer to stay sleeping, but I know we were going out later to a restaurant to eat. I went to the bathroom and used the bathroom, and refreshed myself.

Today is the last day. Crying and screaming right now. I made sure to put on some modest clothes to go downstairs in. I left my room wondering if they were already downstairs. I went downstairs where I was greeted by the smell of coffee and food.

"Good morning," I say.


I went to the living room where Kaia and Kameron were on their phone, probably on TikTok. Micheal was sitting on his phone and I sat down on the couch. I haven't really spoken to him or Alan this much.

"Have you enjoyed it here?" He asks.

"I have, I kind of don't wanna leave just yet," I answered.

"You could stay longer, Adam isn't leaving for another few days," he says.

"He isn't? So I'm going back with Grayson and Elijah then?"

"I think so... did nobody speak to you about this?"

"Hopefully they don't try to recruit you to their throuple," Kameron joked, cackling.

Kaia started laughing and they high-fived each other. I rolled my eyes as Micheal told me to ignore them. I swear to god, if they knew it was me. I'm sure it would be silent as hell.

"Nope, but it's fine. I will figure it out later," I sigh.

I got up to just remove myself from the situation. I headed into the kitchen to see Isabella and Selena organizing plates.

"Are you hungry? There's food."

"Not really, I'll have a small portion please."

Isabella starts moving to get me a plate, I move to the side to the edge of the island counter. I leaned on the counter and watched the both of them.

"You know we're going out for dinner since you might be leaving."

"I know, but we don't need to do that."

"We are going out tonight," Selena persisted.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Nope, but tell double trouble the foods ready and come eat breakfast."

I nodded my head and went into the living room. I got them and headed back into the kitchen. They got their plates as Isabella handed me my own plate and I thanked her. I stayed in the kitchen to talk to them.

"Kaia told me I might be going home with Elijah and Grayson?"

"Oh yeahh, Adam is staying for another few days. Elijah has to teach, so he has to go back. I thought since you would have finals you would want to go as well, but if you don't want to that's fine."

"I honestly don't mind. I would probably end up sleeping most of the way anyways."

"I'm sure you will," Isabella says.

Something in me wanted to ask her about Grayson. We both knew that she knew, she just hasn't said anything to us about our relationship. I just wanna know why Gray is so moody.

"Do you know why Gray is always moody and a bit mean?"

"You know darling, I haven't a clue what he is like. He's been like that since he was a teenager."


"He's just couldn't pull bitches in highschool and hated women," Selena responded.

"He was uglyyy!?"

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