Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I had cleaned my hair up and dealt with my wet wig, but my energy had all been exerted. I was going to go back downstairs, but I had laid in the bed for like two minutes and had fallen asleep.

When I woke up I felt so bad that I had fallen asleep. It was rude of me to fall asleep so easily. I would just have to apologize in the morning when everyone is awake. I checked the time on my phone and it was close to 11.

My mouth was parched and my lips were dry like crackly sandpaper. I needed some water, so I was hoping I could get some from downstairs without waking anyone. I left my room and made sure I did everything with an extra quietness.

I tiptoed down the stairs while holding onto the railing. I held my phone in my hand using my flashlight as my guidance. I got the bottom steps and tried to reattach my steps from earlier to remember where the kitchen was.

I went into the kitchen and I used my flash to see the fridge. Is it rude manners if I'm sneaking down here to get water after falling asleep? I got a bottle of water out of the fridge and opened up the bottle.

I drank the water and looked at the counter. Today wasn't too bad. I didn't really say anything to them. I just looked at them.

I walked back upstairs and I saw them come out of one room. I looked at them and played with the water bottle cap. They were probably waiting for me. I go to my room and leave the door open. They come in a second later. Grayson closes the door behind him, then locks it.

I sat on the bed and played with my bracelet. It was ironic that I was playing with something they gave me. I looked at them, then looked away. Maybe I could play it off as a joke.

"I- I- think th- uhh you know umm.."

"Iris, open your fucking mouth now, or god so help me and this house if they finds out what I am about to do to you," Grayson grits.

I looked down at my hands. I played with my charms. You could hear the soft jingle of their charms hitting against each other. They were silent. I don't if that was scarier than them yelling. I looked up at Elijah and he had his arms crossed.

He wore his flannel pj pants, with his long sleeve black cotton shirt. They had three buttons up at the top and all of them were undone. I pushed my eyebrows up a bit and made my eyes softer, slightly pouting my lips.

"Daddy I'm sorry, he offered," I said.

"Don't Iris. Offered to come here? Weren't you going to see your mom?" Elijah asks.

"She's in Jamaica already, I was going to stay on campus. Adam said I could come with him and I came," I answered.

"So you lied to us? You couldn't just say that you're staying on campus?"

"I didn't want you guys to worry about me."

"We would have made sure that you would have been okay, but you just made the decision to come?"

"He literally fucking asked and it was a spur of the moment," I defended, quietly.

"You do know my mom fucking knows about us don't you?"

"I knowww and I thought about it, you can just say I met her. Tell her that she's a pretty blonde girl yo-."

"Stop talking," Elijah groans.

I pressed my lips together and I looked down. I guess that means I'm completely fucked then. I glanced up at them waiting for them to say something else.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Because you're suffering the consequences or what?"

"What consequences sir? Literally what fucking consequences? We should be fine as long as we don't do anything, don't touch each other, or maybe even don't speak to each other."

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