Chapter Forty

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I looked at the list I had gotten in my hand. Costco was packed as a motherfucker, but we all needed to go to the store to buy things to make. Adam and I had our own cart that we were in charge of getting. We had to get all the produce. Fruits and Veggies and such.

"What about these?" He asks.

He holds up dates and I knew those weren't on the list. I shake my head at him and he puts them down lifting something else up at me. I scowled at him.

"Apples, Bananas, Strawberries, Lemons, Limes, Onions, Garlic, Jalapeno, Lettuce, Carrots, Corn, Cucumber, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, do you need me to continue?"

"No ma'am."

I watched as he picked up two of everything, then. I noticed on the list some had time 3 or 4, so I made sure to get three of everything that was two and four was just four. The craziest thing was we were in Costco, but Kameron and Kaia were sent to Walmart to pick up simple basics that we don't need to get here.

By the time Adam and I finished filling up the cart full of produce, we still had to go to the bakery section. We had to pick up croissants and bread. There was no need to get pies or anything like that as it would be baked from scratch.

I saw Adam's dad and Grandfather, over in the meat section. They were picking up all types of meat. This stuff was to go on the grill, to be baked, seared and all of that. There was gonna be seafood as well, tomorrow thanksgiving was definitely going to be a lot of fun.

We left them to do their meat picking and went over to meet Selena and Isabella. They gathered snacks and seasonings, all the extra things that were needed. I know Gray and Eli got stuck with picking up plates and containers. In Selena's words. Those two do nothing, they can get the boring stuff.

"Iris, why didn't you go with your mom? if that's alright to ask."

"Oh, because my break is so short it would be a waste of money, so I just stayed," I answered.

"That does make sense, it's nice having one of Adam's friend as well. At least I don't have deal with a bunch of footballers eating everything."

"We had to bulk up last time, leave us alone."

"Bullshit, you lot we're like scraggly rats that were starving".

"I believe her," I laugh.

"I don't even need to prove it."

"You and the guys scarf food down crazily, like you should eat at a buffet if anything for every meal."

"Damn Iris, you for real?"

"It was a suggestion."

"I hope you two ain't bullying my grandson, he has to be well fed for football."

"Someone who gets it."

"I fed you for your whole life!"

She started cussing him in Spanish and he put his hands up in defeat. It was so cute seeing Adam in a family dynamic, I have always seen him a payful and easy going, but I definitely see it more with his family. Seeing people with their family actually bring out a different dynamic.

Gray is still the same even around his family. I do wonder what made him grumpy the way he is. Maybe it has thing to do with Tara, but even in his picture when he was younger he looked mean. I'm just so curious to know why he's like that. Maybe it's because I'm here, why he's being more grumpy.

Selena swats the back of his head in a playful way. He brushes her off and I looked at Isabella. Her eyes were so bright seeing the interaction. I couldn't help, but smile as well. We had pushed the cart into the long ass line to get checked out. I yawned and I really did wish I could spend thanksgiving with mom.

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