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It was a chilly morning, and we had assembled in the museum. I observed the tour guide's lips moving and her hand movements as she talked about the past of a sculpture in front of us, but I wasn't paying attention.

In reality, I had no clue about her words as my mind was occupied with memories from the previous night.

Gerard had ensured he wrapped the wound on my thigh before allowing me into the guesthouse last night, and I had no clue where he had acquired the bandage.

In fact, I couldn't sleep the entire night. Memories of his grip on my exposed thigh, his gaze as he studied me in the dark, the sound of his tongue colliding inside me and his.....

I swallowed hard, shaking my head vigorously to dispel the memories.

"Back in the ADs..." the tour guide's voice trailed through my thoughts and drifted away again.

My eyes wandered, taking in students of various heights and scents mingling in the air.

Yet, Gerard was nowhere to be seen, and he hadn't sent me a message this morning either. I wasn't sure if last night was just another of his usual tricks with me or if it meant more, like it did to me.

I sensed a smooth hand wrapping around my right arm, and as I turned, I met the gaze of bright blue eyes fixed on me.

Sarah wore an apologetic expression for what felt like the umpteenth time since last night, and I found myself growing tired of it. She had been clinging to me, repeatedly asking if I was alright, and offering apologies without end.

"I'm okay. Seriously, it's just a minor scratch," I murmured to her. She had nearly welled up when she noticed the injury on my thigh this morning.

Yet, I was relieved her gaze didn't drift upward because if it had, she would have spotted the bruises Gerard left on me last night.

"It's my fault," she muttered, forming a small adorable pout, and I chuckled, looking ahead.

"But Zera..."


"What about those marks right under your panties?" she asked innocently, and my eyes shot to her, nearly bulging out.


"I saw it. You and Gerard must have done more than just rescuing each other last night," a teasing grin crept onto her lips as she nudged me.

"What... no. you must be...." I faltered, struggling to find the right words.

"It's alright. It happens between couples."

"We're not couples... not yet," I murmured once more, but the look she gave me indicated she didn't believe me.

I let out a sigh and glanced ahead, only to find the students veering down another path. We promptly fell into line, trailing behind them.

Another two hours slipped away as I diligently took notes while the tour guide led us around and provided explanations.

It was the least I could do, considering my project partner seemed unconcerned about our progress. All Gerard seemed to care about was getting under my skirt.

"Sarah... sar..." I started to say, but my words trailed off as I watched her darting after Bret. We had just exited the museum, and some students were gearing up to explore the quaint downtown area.

I hadn't realized Sarah had slipped away from my side until now, and shock overtook my expression as I saw her clutching onto Bret's arm while catching up with him.

Did I ever say Bret wasn't her type?
Right now, I seriously doubt that.

"You have got to be kidding me," I grumbled as I stuffed my notepad into my handbag.

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