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I took a sip of my wine as I observed a partially clothed woman gyrating against my jeans. My attention wasn't fixed on her, despite my hand resting on her back.

My focus remained on the stage. I anticipated her appearance in her usual outfit, ready to dance until I felt hard. But she never appeared. It was well past 2am, and she was conspicuously absent.

I had a strong hunch that she wouldn't show up, given what that scoundrel had done to her. An unidentified number had messaged me, informing me that she had been assaulted by the mathematics instructor or whatever his title was, and her knee had been fractured.

Without a second thought, I rushed to her classroom. The message was accurate; her gentle eyes were puffy from crying, and her knees, as red as a ripe tomato.

My anger was at a boiling point, and all I could think of was tearing him apart. So that's precisely what I did. I burst into their meeting room, paying no heed to the other teachers.

I seized his collar and hauled him out into the hallway, teaching him a lesson about not toying with my girl, with Zera.

I placed the wine glass on the table with a thud and playfully gave the woman's ass a spank. She winced and hurried away, shooting me a cautious glance, but I paid her no mind.

Getting to my feet, I fished out my phone and dialed Tyler's number. He used to date the girl with the ponytail, Zera's friend, and he might know where she lives.

My patience had worn thin, and I couldn't wait any longer to ensure she was safe. I had to see her tonight, or I wouldn't be going home.

"Hello," Tyler's voice crackled through the phone, accompanied by the distant beat of a party in the background.

"Hey, man, do you know where Zera lives?" I asked as the cold night air hit me once I left the club.

"Zera? Sarah's friend?" Tyler's words slurred, indicating he might be a bit tipsy.


"I do. I go there sometimes to pick up my girl back in the days when..."

"Send me the address now," I abruptly ended the call before he could respond and stashed my phone in my pocket, heading for my car.

A few minutes later, I stood outside what I believed to be her house, gazing up at a window, unsure if it was indeed hers.

The house lay in total darkness, enveloped in silence. With a sigh, I approached the window and grasped the edge, beginning to hoist myself up.

Sub Rosa Ties ( A High School Dark Romance)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя