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"Austin?" My voice quivered in the darkness as I stared at him, uncertainty knotting in my stomach.

He gingerly pulled back the hoodie's cap, and my heart skipped a beat in surprise.

"Zera," he uttered, his voice tinged with an urgency that sharply contrasted his usual calm demeanor.

His once serene eyes now bore a troubled expression, and his tousled hair suggested he had run his hands through it numerous times, giving him an unkempt appearance.

"What are you doing here? How did you even find out where I live?" My tone shifted, tinged with a mix of surprise and suspicion.

I couldn't help but wonder what prompted his late-night visit. Had he been following me and Gerard?

"Sarah told me," he confessed, taking a step closer toward me. Instinctively, I retreated two steps backward, keeping a cautious distance between us.

"Uhmm..." My eyes darted behind him, half-hoping to catch sight of a hidden weapon or some form of protection. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease his strange behavior had stirred within me.

"So, why are you here?" I demanded, fixing my eyes back on his face, searching for answers.

"We couldn't finish our discussion the other day because of Gerard's interruption," he rushed out urgently. "I need you, Zera, to make it up to me."

I gazed at him for a moment longer, my expression morphing into one of slight horror.

"What?" His voice brushed against my face, carrying a mixture of confusion and desperation.

"Austin, you could have called or texted me. We could have met at school tomorrow," I began, my words trailing off as I surveyed his appearance. "Right now, the way you're dressed and acting... you look like..." I hesitated, my gaze lingering on his figure. "You look like a stalker," I whispered the last part, the weight of the accusation hanging heavily in the air.

"No, Zera, I'm nothing like that," he insisted, stepping closer and gripping my hand tightly. "Please, trust me. I just need your help. I need you to come with me," he pleaded, his eyes pleading for understanding.

"Where?" I croaked, attempting to wriggle my hand from his grasp, but his hold was too tight, his fingers like steel around mine.

"To meet my mom. She's been insisting on seeing you, and..." He gripped his hair tightly, frustration evident in his demeanor. "She just needs to see you. It's really important," he implored, his voice tinged with desperation.


"No, Austin, I can't just go with you. I..." My voice faltered, uncertainty clouding my thoughts as I searched for the right words.

"She's dying, Zera. She's terminally ill, and I've told her so much about you, and..." His voice trailed off once more, his eyes pleading with mine. "She needs you. I need you," he finished, his desperation palpable in the air between us.

I gulped.

None of this added up. His sudden appearance at this hour, his revelation about his mother liking me, and her supposedly dying-it all felt like pieces of a puzzle that didn't fit together.

He had never mentioned his mother to me before. The whole situation felt off, and my gut instinct screamed at me to be cautious.

"She doesn't even know me," I whispered, the realization sinking in with a heavy weight.

"That doesn't fucking matter, okay?" He suddenly exploded, releasing my hand with such force that I stumbled backwards. "Just... come with me. Just this once, and I'll let you go. You promised me, Zera," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation and anger.

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