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Past (3 years ago)

"Where's Dad? You said he'd be back last week," Junior's grey eyes, akin to mine, peered at me as we exited his school compound.

For three months straight, I had deceived him, claiming our dad was on a business trip. But now, as I stared into those disbelieving eyes, I found myself at a loss for words.

I couldn't deceive him any longer, knowing that eventually, he would uncover the truth.

"He left," my voice muttered as I came to a halt, crouching down to his eye level. "He left us. For now." Instantly, I regretted adding the last part to what I said.

"Is he coming back? to us?" his innocent eyes met mine, searching for the truth. And at that moment, I uttered the lie I knew he had clung to in his heart for the past three years.

The lie that would never come true. The lie that my dad would be back, when I knew he was long gone, far away from this city.


Junior had clung to the belief that Dad would return, but I knew as time passed, he would stop believing it.
Maybe he already suspected the truth and had run away from home in search of him.

Searching for someone who hadn't bothered to call or text us even once in the past three years.

My feet throbbed with pain, my thighs ached, and my stomach churned with hunger. My brain felt muddled, filled with a constant ringing sensation.

Short strands of my hair clung to my cheeks, drenched in sweat, and I knew tears would soon well up in my eyes.

Gerard had dropped me off at my house, and I hurried inside to search for Junior, hoping he had already returned home. But my search proved futile. Now, both Gerard and I raced around my neighborhood, scouring the streets for a short, brown-haired boy with curly hair, grey eyes, and an innocent face.

Two buttons of my white shirt were unbuttoned, and I had no idea where my school jacket was. My backpack? Probably in Gerard's car, parked close to my house.

I was at a loss for where to search for him again. I had already checked multiple places where I thought he might be.

"Junior!" My voice pierced the night as my phone rang, and my mom's call appeared on the screen. We had spoken less than five minutes ago, but she was calling again.

"I can't... I don't..." Mum's sobs echoed into my right ear the moment I picked up, and I immediately cut the call. Her cries threatened to weaken me, but I couldn't afford to be weak right now.

Not when it was almost 9 PM and my brother was still out there in the dark. What if he was being bullied? Or worse, kidnapped?

I had no fucking idea.

"Juni..." my voice caught in my throat and turned into a gasp as I collided my right foot with a large brick I hadn't seen before, causing my whole body to stiffen.

Firm hands grasped my waist, hoisting me up before I could fall.

I shifted slightly, my breaths coming in ragged gasps, as piercing deep blue eyes fixed upon my face.


At that moment, I had completely forgotten about his presence. Apparently to me, he had been following me for the last hour and a half, even stopping to ask strangers about my brother.

"You need to stop. Let's take a break first and..." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, pushing his hands away from my waist.

As I turned to walk away, he grabbed my wrist firmly.

Sub Rosa Ties ( A High School Dark Romance)Where stories live. Discover now