Chapter - Eighteen

Start from the beginning

" he hurt?? " Juli asked..

When there was a knock..
"Come in.. " The principal said..

"Mam there's miss singhania.. And.. " Before she could complete..

"Send them please.. I was just waiting for her to also join now I won't have to repeat again.. " The principal said..

Few minutes before.. With other two..

Rishika reached school she came out of her car.. And riyansh.. Was no late.. He also reached the same time as hers..

"Rishika wait for me.. " Riyansh said..

"Ohh get lost! " She replied.. And started walking fast..

"Well they called parents don't they.. And we are our children's parents so we have to go together.. " Riyansh said..

Rishika stopped on her way.. And turned to him.. She took a deep breathe..

"Listen I don't know what's wrong with you.. And trust me I neither wish to know that.. All I know is you are totally breaking my patience level and it won't be good for you.. So there's the main gate kindly get lost.. " Rishika said..

"Oohh my lovely rishika.. I know you can't resist me but we have to see what happened to our children in school first." Riyansh said..

"Heyy bhagwaan!! You know what I will deal with you later!! " Rishika said and she started walking fast..

Riyansh also kept up at her speed just in a second..

"I was saying the same thing .." He said with a smile.. And rishika glared at him..

They both reached near the office.. The peon was their..

"Mam there are parents inside.. " Said the peon.. When they were about to go towards principal's office..

"Ohh could you ask her.. If I could enter or not.. " Rishika said..

"She means we.. " Riyansh said.. Rishika just gave him.. I am done look..

Then they both entered..

When rishika and riyansh entered the room..

"Miss singhania pls have a seat.. " Principal said.. And before rishika could say something.. Jeet said..

"What are you both doing here?? " He asked them and then turned to riyansh..

"And you weren't you in Australia?? " He asked him..

"And rishika why are you here?? " Jeet  asked her...

"Why do you think she will answer you that" Juli asked him..

"I know what you are trying to say but.. I am just confused.. " Jeet said..

"And is my sister here to clear your confusions and doubts.. " Juli asked him..

"She is also something to me.. " Jeet said

"Ohh and what is that?? " Juli asked him while raising a brow..

"She is my sister in law.. " Jeet replied..

"Plus.. Wife of his brother.. " Riyansh said..

"Ooo!! Mr. Do come out of your delusional world.. " Rishika said..

"How can you not be my wife when you are mother of my children.. " Riyansh said..
Jeet and Juli looked at him with shock.. Juli looked at rishika and raised her eyes brow..
To which rishika gave a hint from eyes that she also doesn't know..

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