"That...was not on my bucket list"

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(A little warning, I am making both tours up)


Today was the day. Me and the Bangtan boys were heading to the airport to start their tour. The first country was Japan, I was pretty excited since I was half Japanese. Right now we were all sat in a large car. I was inbetween Yoongi and Jungkook. "We just had a message that the airport is pretty busy with fans so we need to get in and through the main airport as quickly as possible." BTS's manager said. The boys nodded as I did the same. As we got closer and closer to the airport I decided to ask my question. "Can I record everything or almost everything behind the scenes for my personal video journal?" I asked manager Sejin. He smiled and nodded. "Yes of course you can, if you want we could set you up a youtube channel and you could start vlogs." He suggested. "Ooh i like that idea." I said and smiled. 2 minutes later we arrived at the front of the airport. There were barriers up and flashing lights everywhere. "Ok boys, and Yujin, Lets go!" Manager Sejin said and opened the door. The flashes got more violent but they didnt hurt my eyes since i was wearing protective sunglasses. Yoongi held my hand as we walked through the crowd. I was glad he held it or I might have just froze in place. The noises were unbearbale. I didn't get how anyone could do this all the time, I'd rather die in a hole of fire.

After a while we got through security and boarded our plane. I say plane but it was more like a big jet. "Woooaaah" I said as I looked at the basket of food. I sat down opposite Jin and buckled myself in. "Wants some plum gummies?" Jimin asked as he sat next to me, holding out the bag. I nodded and took one. "Hyung, how long is the flight?" Tae asked Namjoon. "About 2hrs 25 mins" the elder answered. I had the perfect view out the window, I looked out to see people with the sticks of light running around. One of the staff members who was travelling with us gave me a small video camera with a small microphone attached to it. "Manager Sejin said you'd need this for your vlogs." They said and left. I smiled and throught of a call and unique greeting. After I had settled on one, I recorded the people with the lights outside before turning the camera to myself. "Hello Bambinos!" I said I'm English before switching to Korean. "I'm Yujin and this is the first official vlog on my channel!" I smiled.


I was sat next to Yoongi and Namjoon and Tae sat opposite me. Yujin, Jimin, Jim and Hobi were across the 2 meter wide passage way. Yujin was asking each of them how they felt about this tour before she came to us. I smiled and waved as the camera pointed to me. "What are you most excited for Jungkook?" She asked. I thought for a second before answering. "Umm seeing ARMY and performing for them." I smiled. Yujin then turned to the other three. She then sat hack down and watched the footage.

About 20 minutes later and we were in the air on our way to Japan. Throughout the flight we all talked, laughed qnd spoke about the performance tonight. We would all deffinately be having a nap when we landed. Yujin was filming some footage out the window when Jimin asked to interview her. "Mmm ok" she gave the camera to Jimin. "So, Yujin, are you excited to be visiting Japan?" Jimin asked. Yujin smiled brightly and nodded. "I'm super excited! I hope I get to explore q little since my mum was Japanese and it'd be nice to learn about her culture." Yujin smiled. We all smiled to. Jimin asked a few more questions and then gave the camera back. "We are landing soon so make sure you have everything. Namjoon  make sure you have your passport" our manager said with a laugh. Namjoon rolled his eyes qnd checked his pocket, luckily it was in there.


We were all walking through security when I heard the screams of joy. I couldn't see Yoongi but it'd be the same as it was in the first airport. We turned the corner and OH MY GODS?!?!?! It was a lot busier and louder. The flashes were making my eyes go funny. Bodyguards surrounded us and told us to walk quickly. I could only see the black of the body guards clothing or the flashes of the camera. Some people in the crowd were calling my name. I waved in their direction but tried to walk fast. The noise got louder as we walked through the center of the airport. People stopped and stared while pulling out their phones qnd screaming BTS. My breathing got shallower and faster. I looked around wildly as if that could calm me but it didn't. People. Everywhere. A bigger hand held mine tightly and a voice whispered in my ear. "It's ok, you're doing really well. We'll be out soon" it was Yoongi. I nodded and just held onto his hand, afraid I might trip and get left behind. Seconds later we were climbing into a large car. "That...was not on my bucket list" I said as I got my breath back in the car. Yoongi laughed. "You get used to it eventually and learn to just block it out" I nodded.

As soon as we got to the fancy hotel, we all went into Namjoons room. Each member got their own room. The entire corridor was for the members, staff and me. My room was inbetween Jins and my favourite body guard. Lim Jihoon always gave me sweets whenever I went out with one if the members. He was assigned to BTS. In Namjoons room, we were either on the bed, the floor or the lounger chair. I had filmed some footage inside the car aswell as inside the hotel which was basically me just knocking on the members door and running away. A girls gotta get her entertainment right? The boys were running through the performence plan. It was 11:57 right now in Japan. We needed to be at the venue for 16:00 for sound checks and some run through for the performance to start at 20:00. We'd be here for 3 days so we deffinately had time to explore. I kept dozing off until eventually, I just fell asleep on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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