"It was my fault.."

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I had woken up at like 2 am. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. I then walked back upstairs. I was about to open my door untill i heard screaming and crying from YuJins room. Ms Choi mentioned this but i didnt expect it to be on the first night. I opened her door and walked inside to see her screaming and thrashing about the bed. "NO!" YuJin kept saying. I went to her and shook her a little. "YuJin. Wake up, its ok." I said.  I shook her a little harder. her eyes opened suddenly as she sat up and looked around. "Hey, I heard you screaming. You ok?" I knew it was a stupid question but i didnt really know what to say. YuJin just looked at me and burst out crying. I hugged her and patted her head. "No...It was my fault." She said as she cried into my shoulder. "What was your fault?" I asked. "My parents death." She answered. "Oh...do you want to talk about it? You dont need to." She let go of me, calmed down a bit and wiped her eyes. "I will, otherwise i never will. I was 10 and it was about two weeks after my sisters middle school graduation. Eomma and Appa never really got time away from work since they were both doctors at Asan medical center in Seoul. Anyway we were all in the car to visit my grandparents. My type from IKON was playing on the radio, I remember that because we were all singing along to it. We were going across a crossroad when i showed my Apaa the picture i had drawn....I distracted him and that caused him to not notice the truck coming. I remember JoonAh screaming then  i saw the headlights and screamed too. The truck crashed into us and the car got pushed across the cross road into the wall. My Eomma had tried to protect me and JoonAh from the impact. I dont remember much after that...Just my dad with his bloody head against the steering wheel, my eomma at a wierd angle across me and then JoonAh with her bloody head....after that everything is black. I woke up in the hospital and one of my aunties took JoonAh back to Australia." YuJin finished. I bowed my head. "Im so sorry." I had no idea what else to say.

YuJin POV:

I had just told Chan about my parents. It felt... nice to share the memories. It didnt dull the grief but it made me feel less burdened. "Want some milk?" He asked. I nodded and followed Chan to the kitchen. He poured and warmed up some milk. "Can i tell the others or..." He trailed off. I nodded. "Theres no point in hiding it i guess. Sorry if i woke you." I said. bowing my head. "I was already awake, its late so just try and go back to sleep." I nodded as we walked to our rooms like burglurs. I could hear Namjoon snoring loudly. I was about to shut my door. "And....It wasnt your fault>" Chan said then closed his door. I closed mine and jumped into bed. Soon I went to sleep while thinking about potatoes....

This is short but i kinda just wanted to tell what happened to YuJins parents.... woo

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