"If your gonna be a mean girl, at least do it right."

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Yujin POV:

School. I had watched films and dramas which were set in school enviroments. Was I excited? Sure a little, but I was hella nervous. I had gotten up early to have a quick shower and to put my uniform and subtle make up on. Just a smidge of blusher and lip tint. I went downstairs and was surprised to see all 15 idols waiting at the table.I sat down next to Seungmin. "You excited for today?" Chan asked as he passed me a bowl of porridge with honey on it. I nodded. "Good. We decided that we are all going to take you to school today but we will take turns in the future depending on our scheduals." Jin said. I nodded and went to get my meds from the cupboard.

After breakfast we got on our coats and shoes and left. The ride there was fun. Jungkook and Chan were talking about weights with Changbin and i was talking to Lee Know and Hobi about dancing. Soon we got to the school. Loads of kids around my age were heading into the large building. "Are you ok Yujin-ah?" Han asked. I nodded. I was just giving myself a prep talk. "OK! Lets go!" Tae smiled and got out. We all followed his lead. All student turned around and started screaming when they saw BTS and SKZ. We walked inside as quick as we could and headed straight for th head office. After a nice chat with the headmaster (MR Lee) The boys were told they should say goodbye to me since classes would start soon. I hugged each one and smiled. "Don't look so worried guys. I'll be fine." The guys waved to me before they left. "Ok Yujin. We truly do hope that you enjoy your time here and if there are any issues then please come to me about it. Or you home room teacher Ms Park who we will meet now. Me and MR Lee walked along the corridors to get to the classroom. "In this school you wont really be learning math, literature or the more academic subjects. You'll be learning music, singing, film making and subjects like that." He said. I nodded. We walked inside the classroom and the class fell silent. MR Lee greeted the teacher, smiled at me and left. "Please come and introduce yourself to the class." Ms Park said. I stood at the front and bowed. "My name is Song Yujin. I hope you will accept me." I said and stood straight again.

A few girls in the class smirked and looked at me up and down. "Thank you Yujin, Please sit at the back next to Kim Joomin." The teacher said. A boy hiding his face lazily put his hand up. I sat in the empty seat next to him. "Hi, Im Kim Yeemin, Joomins twin sister. Its super cool to have a new classmate here. You kinda look familiar. So whats your speciality anyway? Oh and lets talk informal since, I shall be your first friend at Hanlim!" The girl said with so much excitement im surprised it didnt kill her. "Hi, uh what do you mean specialise in?" "Well for example I specialise in Practical dance and film making. Every student here has 2 main subjects the specialise in and which they do more of but everyone still does all the subjects." I nodded in understanding. "So that's what i had to tick on the paper MR Lee gave me. Im glad I chose Practical dance and musical theatre department then." I said. Yeemin smiled. "Thats what Joomin chose so you'll probably be in the same classes...Hes asleep again." Yeemin said as she ripped a peice of paper out of her notebook and yeeted it at the boy. He sat up and looked at Yeemin who smiled. Holy shit...He was fucking cute. Then again all the boys here were. "Hey I know you. You came in with BTS and Stray Kids right. Your the orphan kid whos living with them." Joomin said. I nodded. "Oh thats why you looked familiar." Yeemin noted.

After home room it was 2 hours of practical dance. Yeemin had explained to me that right now they were working in group to do a project on emotional dancing. "Have you got clothes?" Yeemin asked. I nodded. Hobi had gien me an extra clothes bag. "Good good. Hey, wanna be in mine and Joomins group? We're working on a storyline how friendship and relationships can change through time." I nodded. "Yes please, I was a bit nervous before i came to this school that i would be a loner." I admitted. Yeemin just smiled. I walked into the changing room and got my dance clothes out. "Oh Hobi, always with the fashion." I smiled as i got changed.

I walked to where Yeemin was getting changed and waited

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I walked to where Yeemin was getting changed and waited. "Its your first day here and your already showing off that you live with famous idols?" A voice behind me said. I turned around. It was the girls who were smirking at me earlier. "Excuse me?" I asked. The "leader" of the group sniggered and walked forward. "Just becuase you live with BTS and SKZ, dont think you can walk around these corridors feeling confident." She said. I smiled. "Seems like you've been watching too many stereotypical American highschool movies. If your gonna be the mean girl, at least do it right." Yeemin came out at that moment. I gently grabbed her hand and pushed past the girls. "What happened?" Yeemin asked as we waited inside the dance studio for Joomin. "Just dealing with Korean Regina George." I said. Joomin walked in finally.

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