"I can't... I can't breathe"

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I stretched as i got my trainors on. Daekyong was driving me to school today. I always loved it when he drove me to school since we would always get a sneaky coffee before. I met him outside with my small suitcase. "Are you all ready for the performence today?" He asked. I nodded and got in the car. The last few weeks had gone so quickly. Today was the day that me, Joomin and Yeemin performed our mashup dance. Mic drop X Thunderous. Joomin had been incharge of making the perfect mashup while me and Yeemin worked on how to merge the choreography. We had even goy some really cool outfits, (All thanks to Hyunjin). Like usual, we stopped to get coffee then carried on to school. the boys had a busy schedule so they could come but Daekyong said he would film it.

(the outfits)



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I high fived Daekyong goodbye and ran out the car when we got to school

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I high fived Daekyong goodbye and ran out the car when we got to school. "There you are! We've been waiting for like 2 hours." Yeemin said impatiently. Joomin muttered about the just getting there themselves. I laughed. "Ok lets go get changed and meet backstage." Joomin said. We all sped off to get changed. Me and Yeemin did our hair and Make uo then we met Joomin in the wings. "Were all set." He said. We sat ona worn out couch while we waited for it to be our go. I had a sneak peek earlier and there were a lot of people watching. Was i nervous? Yeah but nervs meant you cared. Olivia and her minions went up and oh lord...if their concept was girl crush, they hit it. The oufits were kinda cool too. But shes still a bitch. Our time was next. We headed on to stage and got into our positions. As soon as the music started, so did we. We hit every beat and the music sounded amazing....untill halfway through when it was cut off. The crowd looked around confused. I looked into the wings where Olivia was stood. She had pulled the plug. "Carry on, i have an idea." I whispered. I started singing Micdrop as Joomin sang the thunderous part. Yeemin, surprisingly managed to beatbox the backing tune and we carried on with the dance. A short while after the music came back on. The rest of our performence went super good.

When we were finnished we ran off stage and jumped in the wings. "Oh god that was crazy. I didnt know you could beat box." I looked at Yeemin who just smiled. "Well now you do. Ugh but that improv was amazing. I want to know why the music cut off though." Yeemin stared at the technical equipment. "Olivia unplugged it. Jealous bitch." I stated. Just the Olivia walked past. "Better luck next time. Losers." She laughed away with her minions. "She needs some better insults."  After the last performence, all groups gathered onstage so they could announce the winners. Yeemin was clasping her hands together like she was praying. "If we win, we have to go on a date." Joomin whispered. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Uh sure." I turned back around and smiled a bit. A date. Just then the annoncer came on. "Well everyone. It was amazing to see all of the performences today. Unfortunately we can only have one winner and I think we can all aggree that their performence was memorable. The winners are Kim Joo-Min, Kim Yee-Min and Song Yu-Jin." We all jumped and squealed. Man it felt good to see Olivias proccesing face. Yeemin held the trophy up high as all the parents clapped. I looked at a particular couplewho were obviously Joomin, and Yeemins parents. "Too bad your parents arent here to see this." Olivia whispered to me as she walked off stage. My smile faultered but i ignored her.

After the we had gotten changed back to our school uniform. "Im so happy we won. Hey, why dont we go to a fried chicken place to eat, or you could come to our house if thats ok with your manager?" Yeemin said. I nodded and smiled. The bell rang for lunch just as we left the changing room. "Oh, it looks likes Mrs Yangs infamous Kimchi is on for lunch today." Joomin said as every single student headed for the caffeteria. The halls were heaving. "Hey guys, why dont we wait a-" I started to say but soon got cut off when people seperated me from the twins. I froze in the middle of the bustling corridor. People pushing past me to get to the lunch line. I looked around frantically for Joomin or Yeemin. I felt the panic start to rise in my chest. "Guys?" I tried to say but it came out rather horse. I tried to calm my breathing but it didnt work. Everyone was too close to me. I hated it. I felt like i was being crushed by litres upon litres of water.  I tried to step back but there wassomeone there. "Im...sorry" I said. i kept looking around. "Hey, are you ok?" Someone asked. "I can't...I can't breathe." Black dots started to blur my vision. No. I was ok. I'm gonna be....

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