Chapter Fifty-Three: She, Who has become Fate

Start from the beginning

But then, a barrier—a cessation of her sensory exploration. Jingliu realized the clever trap: a domain within a domain, shaped by Adabas with Yara's arcane collaboration. She could halt time within but not beyond—her powers contained, yet not constrained.

"Take your time," Adabas coaxed, her voice a reverberation challenging Jingliu's concentration. The invitation was clear: delve deeper into this realm of recollections and self-discovery.

"Why observe from the shadows when you could join the fray?" Jingliu posed the question, casting it into the void like a lure into the depths, seeking to draw Adabas into the light of her inquiry.

Adabas, perhaps enticed or merely indulging in the game, responded with an unexpected softness. "You stand on the brink of ascension, Jingliu. Traverse this realm of your remembrance, fashioned from the memories I've gleaned through Fuli. There is purpose in reflection."

Jingliu absorbed the words, a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity blooming within her. To utilize memories and weave them with illusions—Adabas must tread the Path of Remembrance, or possibly Elation, given the nature of her magic. Jingliu tucked the thought away, her focus returning to the present.

"And after? The trial resumes," Jingliu declared, her statement laden with both inquiry and certainty.

"Indeed, we await the continuation with great anticipation. For now, savor this respite. We are waiting," Adabas affirmed before her presence receded, her voice diminishing into a whisper and then silence, leaving Jingliu to her solitary exploration.


Adabas, with a flick of her wrist, dismissed the communication link, severing the connection to the illusory domain that Jingliu navigated. The scene around them was serene, an expanse resembling the dark sea under a night sky, waters so still they mirrored the cosmos above, yet beneath this tranquility, a storm of thoughts brewed.

Seris, her demeanor as calm as the sea, savored her tea, the delicate clinking of a sugar cube dissolving in the warm liquid echoing the softness of the environment. "It now rests in her hands," she mused, her voice a blend of anticipation and resolve, reflecting the still waters that surrounded them.

Yara, standing tall and unwavering next to Seris, made a subtle gesture, erasing any remnants of their digital whisperings to Jingliu. The gentle thud of her halberd against the reflective surface sent ripples dancing across the water, a stark contrast to the strength hidden in the motion. "For one that has transcended the sword and form, her approach to combat remains somewhat predictable," she observed, not as a critique but as a matter-of-fact statement on Jingliu's combat style.

Holos, the embodiment of gentleness despite his towering stature, offered his insight, countering Yara's observation with a soft-spoken defense. "Cut her some slack; this is her moment to demonstrate her capabilities. It's not often she has the chance to showcase her skills on the battlefield, especially after training under Lady Terminus." His words were a shield, protecting Jingliu's honor in her absence.

Mono chimed in, her voice carrying a playful undertone that belied the gravity of her words. "In my view, she's surpassed expectations. She managed to freeze an entire planet with her abilities, setting the stage for my strike." Her declaration stirred the griffon blade resting behind her, its bladed feathers shimmering in response, a silent testament to the potency of their newest member's abilities.

Adabas, ever the observer, remained silent amidst the exchange of opinions, her focus unwavering as she concentrated on maintaining the integrity of her domain. Her silence was a canvas, allowing the others to paint their thoughts and feelings freely.

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