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You boarded the ship with Dennis, the box in your arms, and Dennis with his trinkets.

Ericka had returned some time ago, and the boys had as well. You came back sometime after lunch to change for you and Dennis to go swimming before the boats departure.

Ericka had given approval that their coast guards gave the tourists permission to swim around the coast, just not too far out.

So you changed, putting on your sun hat and sunglasses and taking him with your beach bag.

It's a wonder how vampires survived for so long without the invention of sunscreen.

"Mama Y/n!" Dennis approached you wearing his swim trunks and little sleevless swim vest, "Can we go now?"

You nodded, "Let's go tell Papa and Mommy."

You walked out, turning many people's heads, and finally found the group that went hiking earlier, "Where's Drac?"

The boys stopped their discussion, "... we lost him -"

Your eyes widened as you sighed, taking off your sunglasses, "hence why I said to 'take a tour guide'. How far up the mountain did you notice he was lost?"

Frank's eyes shifted around a bit, but never met yours, "... at the top."

"Oh, Lord." You muttered, dropping your bag and crouching to meet Dennis, "Baby, you wouldn't mind if moma left for a bit to go find Papa?"

Dennis shook his head, "No."

You stood up, "reapply sunscreen every 30 minutes."

The boys looked at you in confusion before something invisible picked up the bag, "got it, boss."

You walked towards navigation and knocked on the door, Ericka opened, "I know, I was eavesdropping."

She handed you a small tracker, "So we can send someone if you get stuck too."

You nodded, walking away and eventually turning into a bird and flying towards the top of the mountain.


You used your powers to look for Dracula's essence, but it was almost as if he was never on this island to begin with.

You flew around before feeling something block your powers and sighed, turning into your normal self.

Of course, he had to be in the cave that blocked your senses.

"Dracula!" You screamed, but nothing moved in the cave one bit.

If you were human, you would never attempt that, but you're a demon lord. You were pretty sure that you could take care of yourself.

You walked further and found a weird glowing green lake. You could see at the bottom, and it wasn't deep... mid calf at most.

Further on the inside, you could see a small island in the middle, and Dracula was lying on the mound of sand.

You sighed, hiking up your sundress, walking towards him. You didn't feel anything living but him in the cave.

It wasn't a large cave, either. It was small and well lit. You could see the walls clearly and the entrance.


"Are you going to kill me?" He looked at the woman as she stared at him.

"No." He decided, walking away.

"Poor choice." She smiled as the room around him changed, "I hope that now, you know the extent."

"Martha -" Dracula tried to speak before he was cut off by the with once more.

"Don't you remember?" Voices flooded  his mind repeating 'remember'.

Suddenly, a child's cry woke him, "A baby?"

He picked up the small boy. His blonde wavy hair framed the small face, "you look just like my mother."

He looked around, seeing the cottage that he built, but knew it was in a different location.

"You're my baby, aren't you?" The baby's blue eyes widened, and he laughed, reaching for his father's face with his tiny, chubby little hands.

"I didn't think you were coming back." You looked at him, in disbelief, "you were so upset when he was born, I thought you were leaving forever."

"This is my boy." You looked at him as he held the baby close to his chest.

"Zuriel." He looked at you, "I named him Zuriel."

"I love him more than life itself." He kissed the small baby's forehead.

The scene changed again, and this time, he was walking in the markets alone, getting food for the cottage before you met his father for the first time.

He accidentally bumped into a woman, "I apologize."

The woman's eyes gleamed with curiosity, "it is no problem of mine."

Dracula registered the face and thought in disgust, 'Martha'. But before he could say anything, the scene changed again.

This time, he was rushing into the house. You were gone temporarily. The underworld needed your assistance, but your baby got sick.

"Heal him, please!" Dracula cried, tears poured down his face as he held his baby close to his chest.

Martha looked around the cottage. He was too disconnected to see the look in her eyes, "Forget all your worries and leave it to me."

The room spun as he was now in a larger house, holding the witch. In confusion, he let go, looking around for Y/n and his child, but all he saw was a bassinet and a small baby girl with pitch black hair.

"No." She smiled at the tall man.

"It had to happen. I needed you." Martha walked forward.

He looked out the window, seeing a mob of people, "You can protect our daughter, I'll come back for you."

He saw you, among the people, knowing their loyalty to you. Seeing your tear stained face, his heart hurt.

He saw you light the fire, but he didn't care.

He knew next time there would be no hesitation.


When he awoke, you were by his side, "I didn't want to wake you. You had been having such horrible nightmares, but this time, you barely moved."

You laughed sadly, "I even thought you were dead at one point."

Dracula contemplated confronting you but ultimately decided to do it, "... you killed Martha, didn't you."

Your breath hitched as you kept your eyes on the entrance, "... yeah. I did."

Dracula looked at you, "and she killed our baby and ruined our lives."

You looked at him, "How much do you remember?"

He pulled you in closer, "most of it, my dear."

He kissed you, "I'm so sorry. I wasn't there when you were grieving. I wasn't their when you struggled."

His forehead connected with yours, "With your permission, I want to build our family again."

This was it.

Your Vladimir was back.


Status: Unedited

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