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"Good morning, passengers! We are on our way to the lovely, small country near the Bahamas! Pack up, but remember, be back before 12:30!" Ericka's voice rang loudly at 9:30 as you and your family ate breakfast together.

"I can't wait to explore; the culture gives me such inspiration." You fawned, tucking your sketchbook away in your tote.

"I can't wait to see what you come up with." Dracula smiled, holding your waist and pulling you closer to his side as Ericka watched from the Nav-Bay Window.

"Great-grandfather, look at him. Disgusting." She spat, crossing her arms and leaning to one side.

"All of these disgusting monsters, they must all die for us to cleanse the world. For us to be pure again, all sin must be purged." Her great-grandfather grumbled as Ericka's eyes glanced at him in alarm.

"But not Y/n though, right?" Ericka's head popped into his peripheral vision.

"Uhm, yeah, sure. Whatever." Her great-grandfather rolled away, taking his secret elevator back down to his lair.

Ericka dressed in a different white suit, with a matching white pencil skirt and nice hat, and walked out on deck, "Good morning!"

She walked up to the buffet line, grabbing some fruits and small pastries while eavesdropping on your conversation.

"I would love to visit the markets and boutiques. What about you, hun?" Your voice was melodic and sent shivers down those who listened.

"I was thinking about exploring the mountain with the boys today." Dracula's voice was vastly different than yours, being gruff and rigid, holding a deep pitch.

"You should take Dennis, though, I don't think he would appreciate exploring the way he loves the markets." His rough voice wasn't unappealing, but most preferred yours.

"Will do, Mavis. Are you coming with us as well?" Dennis flopped around in your lap, eating some berries off of a dish on the table.

"Markets!" Dennis cheered as his mother sighed.

"We can go to the farmer's markets." Mavis' attention turned to whatever was behind you.

You turned to see Ericka with a wide smile as Mavis glared at her, "Hi! Is this seat taken?"

She motioned to the chair on your right, and you nodded, "Of course, honey."

"Are you staying on the ship today, too?" You questioned, seeing as most of the time she was working on deck.

"I will take a few hours of personal time to explore. I have a map for this island." She started to eat her parfait.

"You and your artifacts. Ericka collects them from all over the world." You mentioned as Dennis offered Ericka a grape with his sticky hands.

"Oh, uhm... thank you." She took the grape with two fingers and laid it off to the side of the plate, quickly wiping her now sticky fingers.

"If I get this one, I need one more for this collection." She sat back, pleased with herself.

"Where are you exploring?" Johnny asked, shoving his chocolate waffles in his face.

"Towards the top of the mountains." Ericka responded, making Mavis raise an eyebrow.


"I'm so sorry you don't feel well, honey." You kissed Mavis' head, "we'll be back before 10:30, rest well."

Mavis groaned, "Thanks, mom."

As soon as you left the room, Mavis quickly stood up, getting dresses to follow her dad.

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