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You were talking to Mavis as her father was off taking care of some business, "Personally, I do think it's too soon to date him, but you could get closer, you know, get to know him more?"

She nodded, "I get that, but this is the first time I've met somebody my age. I can't just let him slip through my fangs."

You thought for a moment, "I understand, so, take it slow. Find common interests and find compromise within those differences."

She sat for a moment, "So, what you're saying is that I should go find him and hang out with him?"

You looked her dead in the eye and said, "Yes."

"Oooh! Thank you thank you thank you thank you; I love you, Mom!" She morphed into a bat and flew away, leaving you to design her birthday dress.


You wore a white cut-out bathing suit while chilling in the sauna with the boys. You laid on your husband as you filled the room with steam, you and blobby basically powered the whole room as you all relaxed.

Drac held your waist as you laid on his side, yawning, you snuggled up more and played with his hair, "Didn't I tell you guys we'd have fun in here? Is this not the best?"

"I'm workin' up a nice sweat." Griffin sighed.

"When's that Johnny kid gonna be done party planning? He's a great hang." Wayne said while panting.

"Yeah, he's an animal." The boys kept talking about how much they enjoyed Johnny and how much they loved his energy.

"It's great to see Johnny hitting it off with Mavis, seeing as how they're close in age." Frank sighed.

Dracula scoffed, "Who's hitting what off? Please, Mavis would never be with someone of his kind." Drac rolled his eyes as you heaved a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry," Frank adjusted himself in his seat, now agitated, "his kind? What, are you saying our kind isn't good enough for you, your 'lordship'?" Frank taunted.

Dracula moved forward quickly, causing you to move off him, as he started to explain that he was discriminating against the color of his hair, "What's wrong with red curly hair?"

"What's wrong with you now, huh? That pole too tight down there?" You looked up, hearing cracking slightly above you.

"I have red curly hair!" Griffin screamed as his towel slipped off his body, Drac covering your eyes as he apologized.

"Wait," you said while Drac's hands still covered your eyes, "does that mean at some point you were visible and then one day you turned invisible? Or can you see yourself and we can't?"

The boys ignored you as Drac continued talking about how Johnny decided that he didn't like any of us, especially Mavis, and decided to leave. You looked at him, but before you said anything the ceiling caved in, and Johnny was in your lap.

"Looks like Johnny changed his mind." Frank said, looking at Johnny as he looked at your arm, "Woah, cool tattoo! I've always wanted one, it's kind of ironic that a demon has a tattoo of a crucifix."

You looked down at the scar left from that village, Dracula cringed as you explained, "That's a scar, not a tattoo." Johnny's eyes widened with concern, but he couldn't ask any more questions, if not for his inability to speak at that moment, then it would've been Dracula's expression.


You sat in your room, contemplating life, and its purpose. There had been multiple uprisings in the circles of hell, some of them being from your very own siblings trying to take your kingdom from you.

They always thought low of you, even though you were the firstborn, you were born with the gifts of a succubus. Being a succubus who never used her sexual energy to get ahead was a waste of talent in your family's eyes.

Your younger brother was always one to talk, him being able to sprout insecurity in others, as well as instigate feelings of rebellion and jealousy. And lately, he had been stirring lower-class demons, you tried to secure as many positions as possible for each type of demon, but some just weren't good fits with the gifts they were given.

How they were given those gifts was confusing as is, but it didn't help when he told them that you would rather stay rich instead of helping others achieve glory.

Stay rich- of course, who wouldn't? Maybe Gandhi or Jesus, but you wanted to stay in that luxurious lifestyle you had grown accustomed to. But you knew that lower-class demons could gain rank, only if they were willing.

You skimmed through paperwork when suddenly you heard a loud crash come from the floor below. You sighed, leaving the study, deciding to ask one of the workers for a drink.

You, not being able to find any of the workers, you decided to enter the kitchen for a lavender pomegranate lemonade. You smelt something vaguely familiar.

Quickly opening the door, you saw Johnny over an open flame, being cooked alive. Using your magic, you helped him, holding him close to you as Quasi yelled, "Let go of ze' human!"

Dracula entered, "Darling, what happened?"

"He strapped Johnny down and was trying to cook him alive." You started to heal his injuries as Dracula screamed at Quasi, who claimed he wasn't a monster.

"Then, let him scare Esmerelda." You looked at him, "Scare the mouse?"

The chef looked at you, "You want him to scare your rodent after you kidnapped him and tried to burn him at the stake?"

You could see the look on his face as you picked up the rat, leaving him in Johnny's hand as you stared into its soul, coming back into reality you sighed, "Was that enough for you?"

The mouse didn't respond, it only sat there as Quasimodo got mad at you and started to scream at the top of his lungs, "HUMAN! MADAME DRACULA HAS BROUGHT A HUMAN INTO THE HOTEL-"

Your husband spelled him, Quasimodo was now frozen in place, "Come along, let's get you patched up and Y/n to the succubus sauna," He wrapped his arms around you, "You've visited there often lately, haven't you."

You hummed, still hugging Johnny to fix any burns left on his skin. You remembered where the smell came from.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, you will never be harmed again," You grabbed his hands, looking into his eyes, "I swear to you," Dracula gasped, seeing your eyes shimmer green.

You breathed in, "I'm not going back to that sauna. I'll be in my room."

"777?" He looked at you as you shook your head, "The cottage."

The look on his face made showed how obvious he felt about the cottage, but he had to do what he would do next, so his family would stay safe.

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