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"Dracula, I cannot thank you enough for the quick work. This is wonderful. I'm going to get my suit fitted one last time, then take it to my room if it's finished." Bog finished his wine, looking back at Dracula who was finishing the food order forms.

"Don't forget, I want everyone else wearing grey, please include that in the invitations." Bog smiled leaving the venue which was being set up.

The chosen flowers were being arranged, tables set up. The curtains were hanged or draped. The podium was even set up. The pillars were decorated. Everything was almost done.


You sat in your room, Mavis watching you embroider on Bog's suit as he strut into your room, "I've come for my fitting, I like what you've done with it. I am going to look good."

You helped him into the suit, and luckily for you it fit perfectly, "Tomorrow's the big day, gorgeous. Get started on your dress. I need to finish planning. I trust for you to make the dress appropriately. "

You watched him with a blank expression as he took off his suit again, folding it neatly and walking out of the room, "till death do us part, right?"

You could hear him chuckle as he left, you unpinned the photos and Mavis threw them away, she pinned up yours, wanting to keep them later. You cut the fabric, now teaching Mavis the basics, like how to thread a needle or the bobbin.

She learned a lot from you and didn't want the time spent with you to end.


"I just don't understand. Why would she go along with it? Why wouldn't Dracula just marry her? He could just get over that bitch, Mavis loves her, so that's not the problem... and you! Why are you letting her do this!" La Muerte screamed in confusion.

"Not anymore. At first, I admit, I was being blackmailed by the Bogeyman, he threatened to tell you that I was in love with La Noche before you. I have decided I would as well as put a stop to the wedding. I am sorry, my dearest, I did not mean to hurt you." Xibalba turned away, looking out the window.

La Muerte laughed, "That's it? That's the blackmail?"

Xibalba turned around, "What?"

"Darling, I knew! At the time, I made a bet with one of the other gods that I could steal you from my sister, which I did." She chuckled, "boy, was she mad when she fell for you..."

Xibalba turned, "So you knew all this time?"

She nodded, "Yes, but we'll talk about this later, right now you need to go and find Dracula and convince him to stop this wedding and marry Y/n."


Dracula was a busy man that night. Bog made sure of it. No one could find him all night, and even the morning, since he was running errands and making sure that the wedding was completely finished before morning.

He had the kitchen working all day the next evening. Everything was set up fully and now Dracula had to change and make sure that everything went flawlessly.


Xibalba was watching the hallways trying to find Dracula, the wedding was tonight and he couldn't let you go through with it. He was walking fast down the hallway, still looking. He knew that you were with Mavis in your room, still making your wedding dress.

He wanted to save you before it was too late, "Dracula!"

Dracula turned, seeing Xibalba, "We need to talk. In private."


Xibalba was uncomfortable. It wasn't being in Dracula's room that made him uneasy, it was the large portrait of his wife. The same woman who ruined your life. Who tormented you. He wanted to rip it to shreds.

"You don't understand and maybe you never will, but I'll try to explain it to you as best I can." Xibalba started, "You need to help me crash this wedding."

"No. I won't do that to Y/n." Dracula waved him off, going through his closet to get ready for the wedding that would be happening in a few short hours.

"You aren't doing it to Y/n, you're doing it for her. You need to marry her or else she will lose everything." Xibalba stated.

"You've seen her since the engagement, you know that she's miserable right now." His green orbs pierced Dracula's soul.

"He has already decided that if they get married, he wants her power and freedom. Everything she has worked for, all the power and status she has gained, will belong to him. Her wings will be clipped and she will be at his mercy." Xibalba's face turned angry.

"I've tried to reason with him, but he won't budge. He wants this power." Dracula turned.

"What do you want me to do? Object then propose?" Dracula kept pacing around.

"Yes, anything along those lines, just don't let her sacrifice everything because she wants your family to stay happy." Xibalba tried to convince him.

"What?" Dracula stopped pacing and just stared at him.

"She doesn't want to marry you because she doesn't want you or Mavis to suffer." Xibalba explained.

"There's so much I wish to tell you, but it's not my place, but one day, you might know." Xibalba shook his head, remembering everything in the past.

"But what if this is the wrong choice? What if this doesn't work out and she'll be happier with him-" Dracula was cut off by Xibalba.

"If you let her go now, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Xibalba stared at him, locking eyes with him.

"So what do we do? Do we tell her now?" Dracula asked Xibalba as a thought came to mind.

"I have a better idea, but you need to completely go along with it." Xibalba smiled, holding Dracula's arm, explaining his plan.

On the way to your room, they took Dracula's tuxedo, talking about the last minute alterations Mavis would have to do. It was only three hours until the wedding and a lot more changes would need to be done before then.

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