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Y/n = your name

Status: Unedited


"What do you mean that she's warming up to them? The entire point of this was so that him having children would scare her off!" Bog threw a wine glass at the wall, shattering instantly.

"That's fine, this is fine. I can work with this. Y/n will need to take the potion then, Xibalba, do what you can until then. You got very lucky that she isn't using her true form or else this wouldn't work, so," Bog had pitch absorb the mess, walking out of the room.

He gave one lass glance to a sorrowful Xibalba, "get the job done."


You laughed as Mavis told you about when her father found out he was garlic intolerant.

"I swear," she giggled, "he was farting for days!"

You watched at the Prince of Darkness walked towards your table with three pkate of food, "beautiful food, for two beautiful ladies."

Mavis wouldn't stop giggling and you had to nudge her a few times for you to keep it together, "what? What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing-" Mavis giggling again cut you off, "stop! Mavis it is no laughing matter. "

She giggled more making Drac look at the both of you, "what? Is there something in my hair?"

You glanced at him, "Oh, no... no... it's just... really garlic?"

Drac's face lit up, "just because I'm garlic intolerant does not mean you get to laugh at it. Besides, it runs in the family. Too much of it can kill you. I'm thinking about getting Mavis tested for a garlic allergy, since last time she touched it she burst into hives."

"Mavis says you make little toots when you-" Drac's hand covered your mouth as he glared at the two of you.

A rough cough came from behind you, "uhm, Y/n, if you have a quick moment?"


"Think about it, Y/n! You love to travel! He hates surprises like that, you will pick up your bags and leave to Barcelona from Madrid! He wouldn't!" Xibalba tried to explain while pacing in your room.

You sat on your bed, embroidering into a black cape, "then I would talk to him about it. How do you know we can't make this work?"

Xibalba sighed, "because, he loves her. I know you don't want to ruin the image that he has of his wife, but please. I can't see my best friend get heart broken again."

The thought of the woman made you flinch, "but I love Mavis, she's a wonderful, very impressionable young girl who needs a strong female role model in her life."

Xibalba responded quickly, "but you don't have to be her step-mother. You can be a friend that visits regularly and is very close to the family-"

"Balba, you know that if I marry Bog, he will clip my wings... I can't do that." You looked up at him, tears welling in your eyes.

Xibalba walked forward, holding you to his chest, "but I don't want to ruin a family either."

"I know what will cheer you up, your best friend escorting you to tonight's party! How does that sound?" Xibalba looked at you.

You nodded, "that'll do, I need to clear my head. I would like you be alone for a while."

Xibalba nodded, "would you like me to bring up lunch?"

You sighed looking at the vanity, "I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to eat."

Xibalba looked away, saying his goodbyes and closing the door. He looked at the small vial in his hands and his heart ached.


The night came sooner than expected, but the feeling in the pit of your stomach never left. You had read the contract over and over, but nothing. There was no loop, nothing to get you out of the marriage.

You slipped on the black dress and some red bottoms and walked out. Your iconic red sunglasses were on to hide the sadness in your eyes from spreading to those around you. Tonight was a celebration.

You would have to marry the bogeyman and clip your wings. You didn't want to hurt Mavis, but whenever you looked at her all you could see was the woman who took everything away from you. It would take time giving up so much pent up aggression, and you refused to take it out on her.

You wouldn't.

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