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"Jesus..." You sighed, writing a paper in your room.

Tapping on the wall continued as you rubbed your head, feeling the pounding sensation in your brain, "Jesus! Can you stop throwing the ball, please?"

"Sorry..." He apologized and sat down quietly.

You knew he was the Lord's only child, and none of his human siblings liked him very much, but this was embarrassing, "are you nervous?"

He shook his head, "Just bored."

You signed the bottom of the document and handed it to him, "Let me know what he says. Right now, I'm late for family night."

He nodded, shimmery light absorbing him briefly before disappearing. You stood up, stretching, then changing into your white bathing suit. You admired your demon form and the way your clothes clung to your curves.

You walked out on the deck, seeing your family get their scuba gear to explore the reefs. Dracula let out a weird noise and a goofy smile. 

"Awh, my babies!" You peppered Johnny and Dennis in kisses, giggling before you were given an oxygen tank.

You looked at Dracula with the scuba goggles on and kissed his face, "let's go, fine fang."

His face burst into a deep shade of red as he mindlessly followed you into the water. The day was spent exploring the reefs and taking photos to remember the trip. You swam on a shark while Dracula twirled with Manta's.

"Mommy!" Dennis cried, "I gotta go potty!" Mavis turned as her son sobbed.

"I'll be back, take some more photos while I'm gone!" You nodded, about to take a picture of Drac by a weird yellow fish.


Dennis ran up the stairs as Mavis gently set down their things and started walking up the stairs when she heard someone get out of the water hastily, gasping for air. Mavis turned, thinking someone was dying when she heard them speak.

"Dracula..." the woman muttered, your daughter eavesdropped as the woman continued to mutter his name, "I will get you... one way or another..."

Mavis heart dropped as she swiftly followed her son up the stairs hearing your best friend talk about your husband that way, but how would she break it to you?

You and Dracula were the healthiest you've ever been, and Mavis would dare to break the relationship you two struggled for.

Ericka, on the other hand, walked straight into her study when one of her crewmates caught her attention, "We found it!"

She stormed into the navigation room, seeing multiple maps and scrolls displayed all over the room, "We didn't think it existed, but we found the islands!"

The fishman read off the scroll, "The thing you seek is of the sea, you must find it or let it be, hidden beneath the depths of the sand, other maps that store something grand. Speak the incantation, summon the goddess, control the nation, submit all control."

He peered over the paper, "are you sure you want to do this?"

"I have to. Either he realizes what he's done, or I summon it." She skims through the scrolls, the fish looking at her in confusion.

"Gather the people on board and prepare them for the first island, is the kitchen ready?" Ericka walked to the ship, picking up the intercom, "Hello passengers!"

"We are starting to board to get ready for our first stop, and coincidentally, our first night on the cruise!" She faked a happy voice as she turned off the intercom.

"Get everything prepared, I'll go greet the passengers." She walked out of the nav bay.

"Dracula!" Ericka waved him down and dragged him under the stairs.

"I need you to take Y/n on a date." Ericka held his arms and whispered quite loudly.

"A date?" He questioned.


"Wee!" Johnny shouted as he flew into the pool through your magic, "it tickles."

"Me next! Me next!" Dennis jumped up and down, waving his arms as you used your magic to carry items on the shore.

"Don't forget the movie marathon on the shore front!" A crew member's voice rang through the speakers.

"Mom, where's dad?" The boy's walked on shore with Dennis and Johnny when you turned to see your little girl.

"I don't know... be a ghoul and find him, please?" You smiled, walking off of the dock with the boys, looking for a place to set up.

Mavis nodded, taking her beach tote that the twins made for her and looking for her phone to call her dad, "Dang, I have his phone."

She looked by the upper deck for her dad when she heard loud whispering, "...a date."

"A date?" She heard her father's voice.

"I found the perfect place on the island, and it just so happened that the beach side restaurant is serving their anniversary special, so I made reservations for two, what do you think?" She could hear the captain of the ship talk back.

"Won't Y/n find out? She's very smart and notices everything." Ericka shook her head while Mavis peaked in between the stairs.

"She won't suspect a thing." Ericka smiled as Mavis flew off the ship, looking for her mother to tell her what she just heard.

Ericka saw Mavis out of the corner of her eyes and hurried after her, "Go take Y/n here, now!" 

She shoved the map into his hands and ran after Mavis, finding her back at the dock looking for her family, out of breath she smiled and approached, "Hi there!"

Mavis' eyes widened in surprise, "I know what you're trying to do. You are not going to break my family apart, so find a man who is not my father. Thank you." 

She walked off as Ericka tried to stop her, at least stalling while a vampire bat flew past her, finding a certain woman. He landed, holding the map and tucking it in his pocket.

"Darling! Let's leave with Dennis and let those two have a date night!" Dracula smiled, picking up Dennis from the cabana and walked to the shore as Johnny cheered for date night.

"Frank! Do you guys' mind babysitting? Captain Ericka gave me a map to a romantic spot Y/n would like, seeing as that's her best friend. I want to make this week special." The boys picked up Dennis and shoved him away.

"I have something to show you, but we have to hurry and get there before 11!" He smiled, dragging you into the forest, away from the designated area.


Status: Unedited

Once again, I'm sorry for not updating this week, I will be doing all the updates rn.

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Also, let me know what other books you'd like to see, since I'm thinking on new projects.

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