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You sat on the floor with Mavis as you looked through the many magazines you had collected when you looked at the clock, "Sweetheart, it's time for you to go."

"Do I have to?" Mavis sighed, burying her head in your shoulder, "I want to stay here, with you."

Taking a deep breath you looked to your daughter, "Your father will be looking for you soon, it wouldn't have taken him long to take care of his business."

She nodded, "I don't want you to get in any more trouble, so I'll see you at home."

She stood in the fireplace as you watched her look back, suddenly running to hug you before she left, "I love you."

You froze, "I-" You slowly hugged her back, "I love you too," you said as you pushed her bangs back to kiss her forehead. "Stay safe. I'll be home when your father stops having his little temper tantrum."

She giggled, walking back to the fireplace, repeating 'Hotel Transylvania' three times until the flames engulfed her. You had to admit your blood pressure went up quite a bit when the flames took her home.

It reminded you of her mother, the same woman whom you did not want her to share the same fate with.


Mavis sat in her room, staring at the family crest, now permanently on her forearm. She sat in her dark room, the only light coming from the sun that slipped through the blinds.

She curled up into a ball and cried, wishing that both her mother and Johnny were here and that everything wasn't so complicated.

Thirty minutes had passed, and she had run out of tears when she hear something come from her window, turning her face to the side something crashed through the blinds, making her move away from the sunlight, "dad?"

"What are you doing?" She asked cautiously, seeing her dad burnt up from the sun.

"I thought I would give you your birthday present." He pulled a large backpack from behind him.

"What would I need that for?" Mavis looked at the bag, not caring for it seeing as she wanted two things.

"It comes with and accessory," he turned the bag around showing Jonathan hiding behind it.

Standing up he walked forward as her eyes widened, "You?"

He shook his head, "you." He kept walking until she took a step back.

"I thought you hated monsters..." Mavis looked at him with fear in her eyes.

"No, I think monsters are really chill, but your dad kind of threatened to drink all of my blood until I had none left so-" She glared at her dad, "He also threatened me with your mom afterwards, which he had actually went through on so I thought he would kill me."

"You threatened Johnny with exorcising the hotel?" Dracula looked down, not answering, "Johnny, we'll talk about this later."

She looked behind him, "What are you going to do about mom?"

Dracula looked back up at Mavis, "I... I can't face her now. She'll hate me."

Johnny turned around, "she won't."

Dracula looked at him, "Do you know that for sure?"

Johnny nodded, "She's stayed for so long that this is a minor inconvenience. Love is a choice, so is marriage. Make it work."

Johnny held Mavis, answering all of the questions she had for him as Dracula lit the candles and stepped on the mat.

Once the flames diminished, Johnny cupped Mavis' face and kissed her, knowing that this was the beginning of their story.


You sat in your study, you had jus4t finished an hour-long meeting with the Celtic Legion and was still in your ambassador form, you hadn't even changed out of your suit and just went straight to paperwork.

A knock at the door didn't take you out of your trance, you just responded with a quiet, 'enter' and kept writing things down in skripts.

Dracula walked inside, this time no tray in hand to comfort you, just himself. He walked inside thinking about what to do. Looking at you at your desk, he tried what he knew how.

He pulled your pen out of your hand and placed himself on top of your desk after moving your paperwork out of the way. He decided to do what you do to make him feel better.

Dracula put his hand on your chin, pulling your face to his, him also leaning in for a kiss when you suddenly pulled away, turning to the side to finish your paperwork.

Seduction didn't work on you, not right now. What you needed was an apology. And he knew that.

He sighed, moving your hands off the desk and onto your sides, sliding into your lap, he put his face in your neck and murmured, "I'm sorry."

You combed his hair with your long nails and sighed, "I know."

Tears welled in his eyes, "I'll do better," it came out in a whisper, "I promise."

You kissed his cheek, finishing your paperwork, "I hope you do."

He looked at you, "So..." He looked unsure of what to say, though the feeling of something push into your stomach said more than enough, "I never thought you looked to ravishing in a suit."

You laughed as you felt the tension, "Do you want to meet me in the bedroom, or should I take you there?"

The look in his eyes told you want he wanted, as he got off your lap, "Do we have to walk so far?" His voice went quiet, but not quite a whisper.

"I would rather taste you in our private quarters, but if you insist." You held his face up to yours, seeing there was a small gap between you two.

You pulled a book in a shelf, which made the shelf move to the side revealing the library. You took him to the loveseat, which would ironically live up to its name.

The shelf closed, as he sat on the large ivory couch, waiting for you to join him.

Small breaths welcomed you to savor the moment, of which neither of you would ever forget.

Slowly unbuttoning the rest of his blouse, you moved down as he threw his head back, his breathing hitched as you met your mark.


Your robe fit him nicely, as did he - snug on your lap - when you went to finish paperwork. You had one more section you needed to fill out before you and him could rest properly.

Then in the morning you would make your way back to the hotel.

Dracula was unsure why you were the only thing in his mind, but he knew that this felt right. That being with you night and day was all he needed to survive.

Did he know why no other succubus made him lust? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but that didn't matter now.

He had you.

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