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"My dad? You mean you dated my dad?" I asked. If I was thinking what I think I am thinking. Then everything I have ever known was about to change.

"Yes. Your father, my husband" She confirmed. There was something in her eyes, they were glossy like she was nervous to say something. Her eyebrows are knitted together and I can hear her heart beat accelerating.

"But...you....my dad hadn't been married for years. He was with my mom Joslyn as I grew up" I stated. There was no way.

Lilith stands up and walks to stand before me. She grabs onto my hands and stares deeply into my eyes. "Kaylia. I am your mother."

I snatch my hands from hers and back up, only to fall onto the couch. Ezra grabs one of my hands and squeezes it, and his touch makes me calm only a little.

"You're lying. My dad would have told me...

"He wouldn't. Not if I altered his memories," Lilith replied, "It was a hard decision to leave my family behind. But I had to make sure you and Neil would live a normal and happy life. Me taking his memories of myself and replacing them with a woman I knew was the best I could do. I did it all so that you both wouldn't have the same fate as my friends."

"You're saying that...that you removed yourself from my dad. And that you made him believe that some other woman was my mother and his wife?" I asked trying to confirm if I was right or not.

"Yeah, exactly that. With me being so young, my powers weren't at their full potential. I couldn't just completely erase myself from his memories. I had to alter his memories as well. I made him believe he had a dead sister, which was actually me. That way he would know what to do when your powers came into range" she confessed. So everything my dad thought was his 'sister', was actually his long lost wife and my birth mom. He knew about Chosen ones, but he had thought it was a family member. The whole time the history had tied into a woman that I never knew about. This was so much to take in.

"Did you know that the woman you had playing house with us would abuse me? That she would hurt my father to the point it took him a long time to find love again. And when he finally did he's murdered in cold blood" I spat. I wasn't angry that she did what she had to do, because she did what she thought was best. Maybe she's right, maybe if she stayed in our lives we would have been dead far sooner. But I was mad that it took her this long to confess. I should have known when I seen her. She looks just like me, and I had a feeling that I was connected to her.

Lilith shakes her had sadly. "I did not. I had hoped you could live a normal life. I know it's my fault for everything that has happened in your life. I hope that one day we can be close. But for now all I can promise you is that I won't leave again. That I will stand beside you for however long you will let me."

I sighed, "Okay. It's still a lot to take in. And I want more answers in the very near future. But for now we can at least be cordial. I'm not going to turn you away, but you have a lot of making up to do."

"I completely agree. I'll take whatever you offer me" The woman said, my birth mother. That was going to take a while to get used to.

"I do want to know how you've felt over the years? How was it so easy for you to leave your soulmate? How did dad not realize that he had a soulmate this whole time?" I asked.

"It was and will never be easy. All the time away from him I could still feel him with me. Knowing my mate was out there living with another woman while I succumbed to my own pity is torture. I have never felt whole, and know he is gone. I will never ever forgive myself for that. Deep inside Neil's soul I'm sure he felt like something was missing. But he cannot miss what he doesn't remember" she answered. I knew she was telling the truth. Her heart was so steady when she spoke. But I could almost taste her pain, and I didn't like it. I did not want to bring up bad memories for either of us.

I drop Ezra's hands, I shove my hands in my pocket as I try to pull myself together. I am going through so many emotions right now, and they are all high end. I can feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and hear it, but I choose to ignore it.

"Lilith, I won't be able to just welcome you with open arms as my mother. It's going to take time, I hope you can understand that" I say setting boundaries.

"I do. I don't expect anything more. I'm sorry for everything" she apologized.

"Don't be sorry. How does he play into all this?" I asked looking at my mate. I was still holding his hand, I don't think I was even physically able to pull away. I just noticed he was standing up with me.

"Well since you asked so kindly, I'll tell ya," Ezra chuckled, "Your mother saved me from some very bad people a while ago. We've kept contact for years, and I owe her one for saving my life. I like to pop in every now and then to check on her. Lilith has been like a mother to me and I trust her. She told me a little about you and had me send you that note. Now I've just been waiting with her for you to show up. We hoped having another person here would ease your nerves. I didn't expect to find my mate in Liliths daughter. But I guess that makes sense as to why I had such a strong familiar bond with her."

I would ask him more later about what he means. But for now that would be digging into too much history. Though I definitely wanted answers, I mean we have forever.

"How did you get the note to me? It was literally on my bed. My house if full of vampires and someone is almost always there?" I questioned.

"I used my powers to track you down. Then I sent the note to you. My tracking skills are one of my most prized talents...though I am shocked to know it landed on your bed" he shrugged.

"Kaylia may we know why you're here now? I did not know how soon or long it would take for you to come. I assume something had happened, as in my note I said to contact me if you needed help" Lilith reminds me.

Reluctantly I pull my focus from my mate to look at her. Though I enjoy the first view much more. We all sit back down and I explain everything to them both. About how I ran away and found my dad, to living with him. To meeting my old best friends, to finding out I was soulmates with a vampire coven. I explained what happened to dad, and how my old friend turned on us and murdered us. Lilith tells me how she had felt the loss of my dad and how it traumatized her. I explain everything after that including the Volturi and what they are after. I tell her how we have others willing to stand with me and my family and how I came here hoping that she could help. I sun up everything I can in the quickest words and details possible.

"Well I am for sure not allowing anything to happen to you. So I'm coming and if the others are okay with it, I wish to stay with you" Ezra spoke once I had finished.

"I would love that" I shyly state. If I could blush right now, I would be red all over. Ezra shoots me a wink and I internally groan. Hee gonna be a worse flirt than Emmett.

"You are my daughter. And though we don't have a bond yet, I hope that we may over time. I will no longer run, I will stand with you always" Lilith agrees.

I knew that I would have to let go of my past. That way I could allow myself to build a bond with Lilith. It would take a lot, and it may hurt at times. But I'm not going to loose my mother again.

"Well then I have a phone call to make. And you both may want to pack some items. It'll be a bit of a drive" I explained.

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