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"Hello who is this?"

"Forgot me so soon."

"Bella? You have a lot of nerve calling me."

"Can't call a friend anymore. Well...old friend."

"What the hell do you want?"

"Just needed to clarify a few things for you."

"I don't need to hear anything from you. I'm hanging up-

"Don't you want to know what happened to daddy dearest?"

"The fuck did you just say."

"You know...killing him was almost too easy. All I had to do was cut the break line to his car. And boom no more daddy. How was I supposed to know you two had just fought. Made it a little more dramatic if you ask me."

"This whole time....i was your friend. I cared for you in your time of need. You killed my....your a vile bitch and I know you'll rot in hell when I send you there."

"Not so fast. I have so much more to tell you. I think you need the whole story."

"I don't need shit from-

"I really did care for you, you know? I did love you at first. But eventually I got tired of you always being in the way. Everything was always....my mom left me..my step dad raped me...my dad's never home...I'm so depressed. It got tiring after a while. Me me me, that's all you cared about. Then I finally find someone I'm interested in and you had to take them and the whole family right from under me. That was where I draw the line. I wanted you to suffer, honestly I had wished you would become even more depressed and just run away or kill yourself. But ya know...I wasn't so lucky. Nothing was going my way. So I took it upon myself to end your life for you. But then you just had to find a way to survive. You became a vampire, I was so angry and annoyed that a person like you could be gifted something so so beautiful. I deserved that, you didn't. But it's all better now, I've turned too. And I'm going to make sure you never get your happy ending."

"You can try to hurt me, hunt me, and destroy everything I have. But you will not succeed. Because I will make my own personal hell just for you. You talk about me taking what was yours from you. But it was never and will never be yours. Enjoy your first little while of being a vampire Bella. Cause you won't be having many more."

"I have a feeling everything will work out in my favor."

"I have a feeling that in the end...you're gonna get burned."

The feelings I was going through were unimaginable pain that consumed me whole

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The feelings I was going through were unimaginable pain that consumed me whole. I felt as if I couldn't breathe, not physically but the reality of everything crashed against my body ripping me apart from the inside. There was a deep-seated panic flushing away all rational thoughts.

What I was feeling right now was not unfamiliar to me. It was just amplified by a thousand as my haunted screams filled the silent night. My knees pressed so deeply into the soil leaving dents below my skin.

I felt shame along with my simmering anger and an overload of emotions swimming in my body. Waves of grief consuming me. Shame that I had went through narcissistic abuse without even knowing it. Guilt that I had been the cause of my father's death. Fear that my family will go through unimaginable pain if something were to follow Bella's words. Anger that I hadn't seen any of this coming and that nothing I did prevented it.

My red aura had encircled my body, making it look like a tornado was spinning around me with myself in the middle of the eye. My head glaring up at the night sky, the force of my gifts making the wind around me flow hard enough that the trees surrounding me were blowing with branches and leave flying off. Rocks lifting into the air and flying around in every direction.

I felt like my life, for the past couple of years had been a series of unfortunate events that I haven't been able to control. But from now on, I will be taking the rains from here. I will never ever let someone walk over me ever again.

I wanted to go to Italy and tare that damned castle apart. I wanted to watch it burn as the vampires inside scream and beg for mercy. I wanted the last thing that Bella ever sees to be me smiling as she cease to exist. I wanted her to watch her world crumble apart by the same hands she tried to destroy.

After one last powerful scream everything around me swirls in an angry whirlwind. I will my powers to come back to me. Fighting with myself to keep control. It takes a moment but eventually everything around me comes to a complete halt. Everything falling to the ground that had been moved from my moment of weakness.

I wouldn't be weak anymore. If it came to saving the lives of my coven mates. I would do whatever it would take.

Surging Desire {Twilight series}Where stories live. Discover now