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"Another trip" I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest. My dad and I stood outside at the back of his car, I had followed him out when I saw the luggage he carried with him.

"Sorry sweetheart. I have a very important signing in New York. This is a big one, this could be my big break" he answers closing the trunk.

"But you promised we would go to DC this weekend" I pouted stomping my foot like toddler. We were supposed to go to an art museum. Something we did a lot when I was younger. He stayed it helped his creative juices flow or whatever. And I just loved the massive sights in the gallery. Especially the space museum.

He sighed a heavy sigh. Then he reached over to pull me into a hug. I fought against him for a moment before he gave up and let me go.

"You've barely been home these past months. I never see you anymore. You keep breaking all your promises" I angrily stated.

"Honey I apologize for that. But this is super important for me. I can't just miss this, it's an opportunity" he tried to tell me. But I was too far gone.

Him being gone all the time had made me really upset. It was another reason why I couldn't sleep well, knowing that he wasn't here. I missed my dad, even if I didn't say it all the time. Knowing that I wouldn't have a lot of time with him made it all the more harder. I felt like I was losing time with him.

"Dad please don't go! I want you to stay here. You don't have to go!" I begged him. I bite my lip waiting for his response.

"You need to learn to not be so selfish sometimes. These little arguments of yours are going too far. I'm doing this so our lives can be better. So you can have all the books, and fabrics, and whatever the fuck else it is you like. You don't get to tell me not to work" he finally snapped. I had pissed him off but I didn't care. I wasn't selfish, I had never asked him to stop something because I wanted to be mean. I just missed my father and wanted him here with me.

We had been getting into more fights lately. He was always gone, and since I didn't have him here, I spent more time out of the house. But he wanted me to stay home more often. I didn't agree with him on that, because if he could go out doing whatever he wanted, then I could too. It wasn't like he spent any time with me anyways when he was here; he was always at Olivia's house. So that's why I always chose to be gone as well. And after mom had showed up last week, he had started to be more distant. And I didn't like it not one bit. It felt like he was blaming me for her being here.

"I hate you sometimes" I yelled feeling my eyes water.

"Yeah. Well you can hate me from a distance. I'll be back on Friday," he spoke in irritation. Opening his door and getting in the car. Starting the engine and rolling his window down, "Look I don't mean to be rude. I'm just looking out for our well being. Just please stay safe while I'm gone. And when I get back, I'll stay home as long as I can. And we will do everything together that you want."

"Whatever" I sasses turning and heading up the porch steps.

"I love you honey!" He yells out, before driving down our long driveway.

I didn't say it back.

Surging Desire {Twilight series}Where stories live. Discover now