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Cullens house-

"Has anyone heard from Kaylia?" Carlisle asked coming out of his office. Typically the girl would have been back by now. It was nearing three am in the morning. The man's face contorts into worry when they say they haven't.

"She should have been back by now, I already stopped by her old house; she wasn't there" Edward stressed his hands gripping his hair.

"Every time! Those mutts are bad influences" Rosalie snapped.

"I'll try to call again. This isn't like her" Jasper states.

Alice was already pacing around trying to find where she was with her gift. But had been getting nothing. Rosalie and Jasper were blowing up her phone trying to get an answer. And Emmett and Edward were pacing at the door ready to go searching. And Esme was trying to keep the whole family together and calm, but even she was ready to run out the door.

"Where was she last?" Esme questions looking at the three vampire who still go to school.

"She and Bella ran off to La Push, I tried to stop them" Edward states painfully.

"La Push, no wonder I can't see her. Can you try and call Sam? Ask if he's heard from her. Call Bella see if they are together" Alice rants off as she grips onto Edward's shirt shaking him. Edward softly pushes her hands off and runs to the house phone.

"Hey guys," Emmett calls out drawing everyone's attention, "The Chief is coming our way."

When he points out the house window they all look and see the car driving up to the house. They quickly walk out the door making their way down the porch stairs as the car pulls up. Chief swan steps out and opens his back door.

"Chief Swan, what brings you all this way?" Carlisle addressed the male.

"I got one of yours Mr. Cullen. She was found asleep in the woods on the reservation by one of the other officers. I had her looked at by the paramedics to make sure she was okay" Charlie states.

"Oh my god" Alice gasped quickly walking to the car to see the small girl asleep in the back seat. Jasper ends up right behind her, and reaches his arms in the vehicle picking the sleeping girl up.

"Thank you Charlie" Esme thanks.

"No problem. Make sure you tell her to stay out the woods you hear. It's been real dangerous around her lately. Don't want anymore missing kids" Charlie's warns before getting in his car and driving away.

They all flash inside the home. The Cullens surround the girl looking her over. Carlisle places his hand against her pulse point on her wrist for reassurance that she's breathing. When he sighs in relief he's quick to scan her over while she's dead to the world in jaspers arms. Her lips are purple and her breathing is slow.

How long was she out in the woods?

What happened?

They all had so many questions on their minds.

"Someone run her a bath!" Carlisle calls out. Then everyone breaks into motion.

Esme speeds to the kitchen pulling out items to make her some soup and hot tea.

Rosalie and Alice rush to the bathroom and to the passed out girls room. One grabbing her a set of clothes to change into and the other filling the bathtub for the girl.

Emmett speeds off outside collecting wood to start the fire place. Hoping it'll help warm up the girl before her bath.

Jasper lays the pale girl on the ground before the fire place. Tucking a pillow under her head and wrapping her in a blanket. Carlisle comes back with some of his medical tools so he can check her.

"I so sorry Angel. I shouldn't have let you leave my sight" Edward blames himself as he grabs her hand to hold in his. He digs around in her head, slightly taking advantage of her mind while she sleeps. Though it wasn't in a way to harm her. He just wanted to know what had happened.

After Esme bathed the girl she started to wake up. When she shakily walked down the stairs with Esme assistance, the others saw her. They stayed still on their seats around the living room, not wanting to scare her from moving too quickly or making any loud noises. When she lays down on the small love seat and cuddles her face into Jaspers stomach as she hugs his body against hers; they all feel better knowing she was with them.

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