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"Dad. Have you seen my backpack anywhere?" I yelled making my way down the stairs of our home. My sock clad feet careful to not slip on the wooden floor boards. When I don't get an answer I walk down the all way speaking my head around corners trying to find him. When I make it to the kitchen I freeze. My eyes grow in size seeing the person sitting across from my dad.

Her pale hands are nursing a steaming cup of tea. Her long red hair that resembles mine pulled into a tight pony. She's wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket. The wrinkles on her face crinkling in the corners of her eyes as she smiles at me.

My breath catches and my dad motions for me to take a seat. There a permanent ground on his face. I slowly make my way over and drag the only other chair from the round table away from the woman. I make sure the sound of my chair dragging is loud and irritating as I place it right next to my dad, slumping in my seat to keep my distance.

"Kaylia! You look so pretty" My birth mother speaks.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" I asked refusing to look at that bitch any longer.

"Honey. Let her get this over with" dad tells me. He was just trying to keep the peace. Just like me, he could care less if she fell off the face of the earth.

"I wanted to see you one last time" she softly speaks.

One last time? When had I last seen her in person? She was in forks because she tried to take my dad to court for custody over me. But she was loosing the case, majorly. We had one more date set for next week. And now all the sudden she's going somewhere! It's because she knows her ass will be in prison when she looses. She's a piece of shit.

"She's moving out of the country, claims she wanted to say her goodbyes" My dad calmly speaks, his fist clenched in his lap.

"You have a lot of nerve. After all this time, no texts, no calls; to show up at our home. Why the fuck would I give a shit if you leave. I've been without you for years, and I love the freedom honestly" I snapped. I wasn't going to let her get any words in, she didn't deserve the right to say anything to me after everything she put me through in my childhood. After she had abandon my father and me.

"I just had to see you" she tries to defend.

"I don't care" I hissed back.

"I'm still your mother" she snapped back.

"Mother! Ha, real fucking funny. You haven't been my mother in years" I yelled.

"Show me respect-

"Fuck this, and fuck you. You let things happen to me that no mother should ever allow to happen to their child. I ran away and you didn't call for months. My whole life you never showed me what a mother should be. All you showed me was how to fun away from my problem. And that's exactly what you're doing right now. We're in the middle of a court case, and you're leaving the country. You're a cowerd" I hissed stand up and forcefully pushing my chair back against the table.

"Please wait. I'm sorry for everything I'm done. I care for you, and I have to let you know" She pleads standing up. But it was fake it was all fake.

"You're not sorry. If you were you would have gotten rid of that bastard when I told you what happened. You don't care for me either, you can't even say you love me. Because you don't, you're here trying to save face hoping we will drop the case. But we won't. And you can go on the run. But it's going to bite you in the ass. There's a special place in hell for trash like you!" I screamed.

My dad quickly stands up and ushers the woman out the kitchen and to the front door. I follow behind to make sure she leaves.

"Don't ever show your face here again. Kaylia is my daughter, mine you hear me. If I ever see you near us again. I'll personally see you get placed in a police car. Now get the fuck out" My dad angrily told her.

"I won't be back. Ever, I never loved any of you!" She yelled. Dad slammed the door in her face when she had walked out and turned to say something more.

My dad dropped his head and sighed a shaky breath. My heart was pounding out of my chest from the anger I felt. My body shaking in pure rage. The nerve she had. I hope she rots in hell where she belongs.

My dad's arms wrap around me, and he pulls me into a hug. His chin on my head as I cry against him. Soaking his shirt gripping onto him. I wasn't sad because I saw her. I was crying tears of relief knowing I did not have to deal with her anymore. I felt relief that she didn't want us in her lives, I never wanted her to come back.

"I'm always here for you Kaylia. I love you more than anything this world has to offer" Dad whispers against my hair.


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