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Alice has a stunned look on her face. Disbelief washing over as she stares at us. I look back not knowing what to do as Bella rushes into her arms. Hugging the vampire tightly as Alice eyes meet mine. I look away and back up so my body hits the wall. A million different emotions brewing in my body. Shock waves of white hot electric shocking my body. My breathing is shaky and my body is sweating. 

"Do you want to tell me how the hell you both are alive?" Alice asked pulling back from the hug, "I heard voices, I didn't think it was you but...you're alive."

"Yeah you keep saying that" I snapped glaring at her. I pull my phone out and face the camera to my face. I take the bandage off my forehead to see the wound completely gone. I sighed a little in relief, my powers hadn't been as powerful with the Cullens gone. Healing had taken much longer than usual. But they come back and now I'm healed. It was irritating. My body relied so much on them.

Alice spoke up again, after sending me a look I couldn't read, "I saw you Bella, a vision of you,  you jumped off a cliff. I knew I'd be too late but.... Why the hell would you try to kill yourself?!" She angrily asked.

"I-I didn't. I was cliff diving for..fun" Bella stutters.

"For fun?" Alice spoke moving to sit on Bella's couch. We follow and Bella sits next to her. But I choose the seat on the opposite side. Trying to keep my walls up at this sudden appearance.

"Kaylia!," Alice gasp turning to me, "I- I saw you. You were attacked. You died, how- I-i your" She couldn't even speak.

"I was," I simply say, "But Sam stopped it."

"Sam?" She questions, "and what is that hideous wet dog smell?" She asked taking a sniff at Bella and looking at me. I choose not to answer, standing up.

"Oh. That's us, it's probably Jacob. He's kind of a werewolf" Bella exposed.

"Werewolves are not good company to keep" Alice warns. I couldn't fathom how Bella was sitting here and talking to Alice, like nothing ever happened. I didn't know what she was feeling, but I knew what I was feeling in this moment. Here Alice was sitting casually on Charlie's sofa, speaking to us like she has all the right to speak about what we have done. She was the one who chose to leave; not us. And I wasn't going to sit here and be lectured by her or anyone else!

I head for the door and meet eyes with Jacob as he walks in. Bella and Alice call out for me but I ignore them. I open the door, grabbing my car keys out of Jacob's hand, and walk out slamming it behind me. I storm down the steps.

As I open my car door to enter i feel a gush of wind against my back, a feminine hand stops the door closing it back. I gasp and whip around to glare at her.

"Kaylia. I- we missed you. I'm so-

"Don't! Don't apologize. It means nothing!" I hissed my eyes clouding and water dripping down my face. She stares back a sad frown on her perfectly blemish free face. Her hand falling from my car door.

"You guys left. You left us here to deal with all this danger. Victoria is after us, and we've had to fight her off on our own without you guys. Bella and I only had eachother while you left us in the dark. With some shitty excuse about age and living a normal life. We will never be normal! I'm not normal! You guys destroyed my trust. Good luck getting it back!" I went off turning around and opening the door.

She stands there silently as I pull off speeding away. I had to see for myself. If they had all come back.

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