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Last night Edward stayed with me in my treehouse for hours. He told me his history of becoming a vampire and what his life was like before and after. He had explained that Bella was his mate and blood singer and told me what that consist of. He also told me how I was also his mate but he wasn't the only one. Which also meant Bella and I were mates , but unless one of us were a vampire we would not be able to feel the pull as strongly as a vampire. Though we could still feel it. Though he said he didn't want to go into detail about that part until we were at his home.

We talked about ourselves for hours on end. I told him about my childhood and up till now. Leaving out the parts about my new found powers. I found I could keep things from him by thinking of a song on repeat. If I was with Bella I wouldn't have to worry about that. When the sun was starting to rise early morning he had left with a kiss to my cheek. I blushed like a school girl.

Bella showed up at my door around nine in the morning. She confused her feelings and said that she would be willing to wait and that there was no pressure. I appreciate that she would wait for me. I should have told her how I was her protector at that moment, but I just couldn't. It wasn't the right time. She left after our talk so she could get ready. When her red truck pulled off I smiled.

I wasn't ready to hop into a relationship right at the moment. That would be way too soon for me. Though like I told him I would keep my mind open and ease into things. Now I understood why I felt that surging desire around Edward. Though I also felt it around the other Cullens. I could guess that there is a possibility I wasn't just Edward and Bella's mate. Though I would wait and see what it is when they confirm my thoughts.

I was in my room getting ready after showering. What does one ware around seven vampires and a human girl I am in very strong like with. I dug through my clothes until I could find something suitable. I should definitely cover my neck in case someone tries to bite me. I decided on something fitting for the weather but also casual. I didn't want to make them think I was trying too hard to make a good impression.

I decided to go with blue jeans and a brown sweater, with my trustee Vans sneakers. Just in case I had to make a quick getaway and I had to run. I left my hair down after brushing it. I don't care to take the time to design it, I have a lot of hair that hangs to my middle tailbone.

When I hear a knock at my front door I know they are here. I quickly place my phone in my pocket and my house keys that I snatched on the way to the front door.

"Hey" I smile in greeting to the couple standing on my porch. They both smile and say their hellos as I lock the house up. Dad wouldn't be home till late since he was at his girlfriend's house if he came home at all.

"You ready for this?" Bella asked once we started to make our way down the stone path of my home.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said nervously.

"Don't be scared. You've met everyone before. It'll just be all of us in one house together" Edward teased.

"Yeah that's what I'm scared of."


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Surging Desire {Twilight series}Where stories live. Discover now