work studies 1

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I was walking to school while iida was doing his robot hand thingy, i walked straight to the court yard that principal nezu told us to come out to for a meeting. " Hi there,it's your normal small mammal you all love the principal." it was a weird way to introduce himself especially as the principal, then he started talking about, fur, he took us out here to talk about fur? Then he started talking about the kidnapping at the training camp, "In particular this will be most apparent for those in the hero course, you must approach extra activities like the hero work studies available to second and third years..." I tuned out work studies? i guess it's something like the interns we did but more advanced since it was for second and third years.

I don't know what else he said since i tuned back in when a dog person was on stage who barked my ears out. "As you just heard there was fighting last night, i know your not used to the dorms but lets all be a little more respectful moving forward." 1 off what do you mean' As you just heard' all i got was the man was angry, 2 that's what i heard last night, i couldn't sleep for a full on hour because of whoever was fighting. We were all sent back to our class rooms and Dad started talking about how we would have harder training. I put my head on my desk i wasn't feeling it today everything seemed boring and tiring, I didn't want to be here and my legs hurt but i wasn't tired physically. I turned my head to see most of the class they looked so happy "Can i go to the bathroom." The room silenced "Go ahead." I stood up and walked to the bathroom swaying left to right my mind anywhere else, it felt like i was drunk or something, what was this feeling. Instead of going to the bathroom i went to the dorms i wasn't focused so what was the point of staying there, i opened the door and walked into my room.

I closed my door and opened my knife drawer, i'm sorry kura-sa. the blade was touching my skin but not cutting it, i'm so sorry aizawa. I looked up as the blade sliced my skin, a smile formed on my skin it was so long, too long. A little chuckle left my lips as i started cutting violently, i was hoping to cut a vein and dying from blood loss but i didn't want to do it on purpose to keep it a surprise if i ever did, i opened the window then slid down next to it. 10 minutes later my whole body was bloody as vampire butterflies surrounded me and my body, "Hey you in there brat." Bakugo, "Uh, um ya." I heard him grunt "Why are you not in school?" "I wasn't feeling good. I need a little time to myself." I heard him say 'hm' then left. "Bakugo?" I say silently to see if he was still at the door but i guess not. "Why is it so unfair." My eyes started to tear up "I had two chances but they took mom and kura-sa." It was supposed to be me, stab, i was supposed to be taken, stab. I removed the knife and brought my knees to my head and sobbed quietly.

 i felt him start to tear up. "They're gone." My sobs became anger, I grabbed the knife and threw it at the door "THEY'RE GONE!!" I threw whatever was closest to me "THEY'RE DEAD!! AND THEY'RE NOT COMING BACK AND I COULDN'T DO SHIT!! I WAS ON THE SIDE OF THE DOOR AS SHE BURNED TO DEATH!" I sobbed my heart out "They think i killed her, and i did, i couldn't save her when i was inches away. I heard her scream for help and i did nothing." I cried "They call me names all day long, i'm trying to change but all they see is my past then tell me to change, i'm trying i really am." My voice quieted down "My life was close to perfect to me then one day it all just fell apart she wasn't even 14, what did i do wrong? Is there something wrong with me." 

I punched the wall with all the strength i had creating a huge dent, again and again. I left my hand in the dent and took deep angry breaths trying to control myself, if i kept this up i would run out and kill someone. I stood up and looked at the blood covering my room, i sighed what a mess. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the water for a warm bath, i grabbed my phone and walked back to the bathroom. I had gotten a text from dad so i opened it.


Where are you? Why did you leave?

What is love again? (reader x TodorokiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang