work studies 2

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Today there was supposed to be this reporter staying with us, photographing our whole day. Dad was explaining a little "yes, they want to do a feature for you class for some reason." I look down i wasn't the best in front of cameras, people watching your every move, no room for mistakes. I don't think i can handle that, this is why there's very little modeling photos of me. The class was also captivated in their thoughts until Aizawa silenced them, "It's nothing too exciting just how you're settling into dorm life, that kind of thing." what a buzzkill let our imagination expand. After a little bit of explaining the man walked in, i wasn't paying attention to whatever they were saying because i was analyzing the man. He looked off to me, like he wasn't only here to talk about dorms but to investigate, like he was looking for something, or someone. 

The man then suddenly looks up to see me staring at him, we made eye contact for a second then there was a flash of light. I stayed still trying to process where the sudden flash came from "You took a picture of me." i said trying to inform him "I did, that's my job." I tilted my head the slightest this is going to take some time to get used to. It was time for breakfast but like most times i'm not hungry so i go back to my room to change. The whole day the man just sat there and took pictures of us, it would had been annoying if i didn't have practice with denki and mineta.


It was a few hours into school and class was the same, i knew everything they had to offer then i heard "1st year kurayami Akuji All might would like to see you. Please leave to the counciling office immediately." I stood at once and made my way there as i heard the class start whispering about their thoughts on the sudden call for me. When i got to the office both midoriya and mirio were sitting there with All might with them. "Oh kurayami your here too." I nodded then bowed "What's happening?" All might smiled at me "Why don't you have a seat first." I walked to the couch and sat in between mirio and midoriya. "Believe you both have met young togata right, he's currently doing a work study with sir nighteye." I raised and eyebrow, where is this coming from. My mind started wondering and thinking then it clicked midoriya wants to go to this 'sir night eye' for his work study. I knew midoriya and All might are sharing quirks but why go to sir nighteye? Who is he anyway?

While I was think midoriya was gwaking over mirio and how he was working with sir night eye. All right i'm going to get straight to the point here, tell me young togata do you thin these 2 first years have what it takes to work along side Night eye at the agency." I stayed silent, I don't even know who this man is and i'm going to work with him? "Oh that's what i'm here for, you want me to take these two to night eye for introductions." "ugh ya." They started side talking about this man "For Yami I think sir would be delighted to take someone in with such a strong quirk and rational mind." All might nodded agreeing with him "Midoriya why don't you tell me what type of hero you want to be?" I looked over at him as he thought the question through "I want to save people with a smile and..." He dragged off contemplating what he was going to say next "I want to be strong so I wont worry people, I want to all ways win and save everybody. I want to become the greatest, got it." he looked over into my eyes with a straight but determined face, I stared back in them my eyes showing no pity for him. If he got hurt he would have to deal with it, if he was killed he died for a cause. Anything that happened to use was from our own choice, we could have picked any other job but we chose this one. We can't go back even if we wanted to, villain know what we look like and I doubt they won't that that advantage to the extreme.

I looked down at my lap with closed eyes as a small smile formed on my usually expressionless face. "Wow, what was a lot." this was the first time he sounded somewhat serious "There's no reason for me to say no though so yah." Okay scratch that he's back, the two continued talking as I sat in the middle peacefully listening to them talk about anything.

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