Training camp pt2

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Just like i had expected Aizawa had woken us up early, good thing i went to bed early because everyone else looked dead. "Today we start a training camp the builds your strength." I tuned out not caring about his whole explanation, he then gave bakugo a ball to through. I was somewhat expecting him to get at least a mile but was disappointed when he got 709.6 meters. Aizawa gave us another explaination then gave us this scary smile "This training will be so hard you'll feel like your dying, let's hope you survive." He then splits us up to train on our quirks and i wouldn't go easy on myself.

I was near todoroki and bakugo since we had fire related quirks, i was supposed to make 50 demons but my record was 35, the more i make the wilder they get. Then use my blood manipulation to make random but calculated attacks while trying to increase my fire temperature. I created a giant burst of fire that started from red and went to an light yellow, my first checkpoint was to white fire. I had demons surrounding you almost 38, they were still in my command as I was also using my blood manipulation to stab them then make more. I did this for hours my arms were red from pushing too hard which Aizawa would have to stop since my fire would go to blue suddenly and i wasn't ready for that. And now i had 43 demons walking or crawling around, i could only control 40 of them though. There were also blood spikes stabbing the moving targets really accurately. I was covered with sweat and even with Aizawa's warnings i didn't slow my pace instead speed up.

I was still working hard when suddenly black goo came out of my mouth, Aizawa ran up to me and helped me stand up straight again. I was stumbling over my own feet as my vision became dizzy and unfocused but i refused to go out, i stopped moving and tried to focus on the goo since it was moving. Then there was a head then body and legs and then there was another demon in front of me. "That's new." I said in a weak voice "Take 2. Your the only one who hasn't taken a break" I nodded and walked over to a tree and sat leaning on a tree, I looked around at everyone but there was double the people in our class. My brain was too tired to function, so i just laid there and took a break, when i was good enough to stand and think i started right where i left off.


After training the life out of me i was practically a ragdoll, then when i was told we had to make our own food i was devastated but didn't complain. I helped make the food and corrected people with cooking it correctly, the curry was...okay but some pots tasted way better than others. This time todoroki didn't have to feed me, i didn't eat as fast as the others but ate the whole plate. then went to bed

~~Timeskip to the next day~~

Today was the same as yesterday but this time i was working on cerberus and my nightmare quirk and telekinesis. Me and cerberus would fight and i was too close for comfort to getting eaten, i would use my nightmare quirk on little animals but they would die easily. You used your telekinesis to lift weights or other heavy objects. I had gone just as hard as yesterday but a little easier since i had this bad feeling in my chest, it was like the one at the usj but this time stronger.I zoned out any other thing then training forgetting i even had limits and unknowing past by them but to far out that i kept shaking and getting dizzy since i was flipping in the air against cerberus.

After practice we were back to cooking, kota talking to me about the next time we would use my throwing cards. It was kinda cute how he just rambled on about school and stuff, the innocence of a child is something that should never be taken away from them. Kota left later to his secret hideout, we went there when we were throwing cards. After we finished eating the wild wild pussycats gathered us up, "Well be doing something fun as a thank you for work hard! It's time for!" Mina interrupted by yelling "A test of courage!!" The others seemed really excited but all i could think about was the bad feeling that had grown in my stomache, i wanted to say this wasn't a good idea but if i did everyone would be mad at me for ruining there fun. While the class was cheering mina and some others were dragged away by Aizawa, the pussycats gave us the instructions and we pulled lots to go. I was paired up with midoriya, i was pretty thrilled about that.

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