All for one

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I woke up in my bed but laid down on my bed, i couldn't think straight and everything looked blurry. I turned so i was my wall next to my bed "I'm sorry." I heard a gruff behind me "Will you stop apologizing for things that you can't control." "Sorry." there was a grunt "I didn't mean to say that." I turned around to see Aizawa looking at me, his gaze was burning holes into me. "Yami, you need to tell me if your going to train like that, your body can't handle that type of brutal training. That's how it just stopped working." He put a hand on my head "Stop pushing yourself this hard, i have to be there if you're going to push yourself that hard." The thing is i knew i was pushing my limits it's just that i promised i would meet kura-sa's last wish which was to stop hurting myself, training like that was like a substitute for that. I nodded then a sly smirk formed on his face "Anyway, you and shoto." I could feel a light blush forming on my face "it's nothing, were just close." He raised an eyebrow "So how come he snuck out of the house when i came home?" I looked down "It's not like that i just didn't know how you would react since i didn't tell you." he stared at me "And you two on the couch." i started fiddling with my hands "shotoi already told you what happened."

"So you two aren't dating." I didn't say anything not wanting to lie to him "So you are?" I looked to the side then sighed "We are... we just wanted to be official before we told anyone." He groaned "You couldn't have waited for a few years to date." I scoffed "I have to be 100 before i can date." "That's the limit." he chuckled "But why him? now your father-in-law has to be that flaming piece of- nevermind." "Remember that 'were waiting to be official' part,now were talking about marriage.". A smile spread on his face, "I'll get going." i watched him turn around "Wait." he stopped and looked back "I'm going to tartarus." His eyebrows knit together "Why?" "I wanted to talk to all for one, it's Saturday anyway."  "your going alone. " I nodded "It's personal, if that's okay with you." he didn't look convinced about letting me go by myself but nodded and left, i hopped into the shower and wore an above knee leather skirt with a white sleeveless shirt and a beige trench coat. I grabbed my phone and wallet then headed out, before i could leave campus i had to go through a short check then was free to go anywhere for an hour. I took the bus to the prison but had to be driven to the actual prison by an officer on this hecka long bridge. When i got to the entrance i had to go through another check out and other stuff, then i was led to the room of the person who made my life like this. 

"Ahh.. Kurayami." "Shut it." I sat in the seat in the white room that was in front of the glass, "I don't have time to waste, where are my parents." I could see a smile through his mask thing. "How straight forward, what about the hello's and bowing." I stared at him with a stonic face "Don't make me laugh, where are my real parents." "What makes you think i know anything about them?" "You forget i was an assassin, finding information is my specialty. But if you insist, You had connections with my parents both of you were working on something illegal, but you deceived them. By the time they figured out what was happening they were too deep to get them out, by that time my mother had just given birth to me but couldn't take care of me so she gave me to one of her friend who i grew up to call my mother. That's what i got with my research, I would like to know the details of what you were doing and where my parents are."

"What a smart girl you grew up to be, your mother would be proud." his face turned serious which didn't seem like a good sign "You mother was tsumugi reina her hero named was tenshi, her quirk was magnificent it was called angel. You could imagine how amazing her quirk was it allowed her to have these lovely angel wings and the ability to heal." i listened intently "Your research holds nothing but the truth, the experiment we were working on is none other then


We were trying to make someone as strong as all might, she thought we were going to help him since his fight with me that made him weak. She wanted a better world were villains were too scared to cause evil, on the other hand i was thinking of causing that evil. I had lied to her to try to take her quirk but i was unsuccessful that was when she figured out my real interest. She had tried to run away, she only had enough time to get you away from all the chaos before she was killed in my hands."

What is love again? (reader x TodorokiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora