Rescue 2

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My eyes widened, the knife was too close to do anything in time to block it. The sharp weapon stabbed through my left eyelid, immediately i felt the blood gush down, the cut was pretty deep from what i felt. I stumbled back covering the eye that was stabbed "You're diseased, your quirks allow you to dream that you'll be something bigger..." He continued to rant as the annoyance filled me. "20%" my voice was low but silenced chisaki. I charged at chisaki, his fist moved up hoping to get a punch. I swiftly moved to his right grabbing his wrist in an incomplete twist. I punched his face hard and he stumbled back, i didn't move, holding his wrist that was being twisted, he winced and came closer to me to ease the pain.

Before he could think of doing anything i twisted his wrist fully letting him go, he gasped and I punched him once more this time causing him to have a bloody nose and him coughing up blood. Overhaul who was trying to get a hold of himself, "Come on i didn't even use my quirk." He crashed his hand to the floor making spikes, i made my own spikes to protect eri and mirio. I glanced at where they were supposed to be but it was just eri. I turned back to overhaul to see him getting punched in the face by mirio.

I ran forward to them, me and mirio both fought against overhaul dodging his spike, punching and kicking him. I looked back at mirio after at least 10 minuted of fighting, he was all bloody while i had a few scratches "Lemillion, take a rest. Protect eri." The wounds on him were deep and he was pretty bloody. Even if it didn't sound like it, i was concerned. I made a katana jumping back into battle, "Blazing heart." my katana burned on fire then i slashed at the air turning it into a fire slash. The slash was quick to get to chisaki but it was only a distraction, I jumped at chisaki while he was busy trying to stop the fire. I turned my katana into my sythe slashing at him, chisaki tried jumping back but i saw my sythe rip through his skin then blood filled my vision.

There was a yell from chisaki but i didn't stop there, i turned the blood into tiny balls out of them "delayed blood burst." The thing about this newly made attack is that it was anything but delayed, the balls exploded immediately turning into sharp weapons aimed at chisaki.

Chisaki jumped to the side making a giant wall blocking him from my weapons, I stood in my spot completely unamused. My bandages hung loosely around my body "i didn't think i would move so much." I picked up an end on the bandaged and quickly tied it. My shoulders slouched, i miss shoto. Suddenly the pain from the knife that was still in my eye came crashing at me. I bit my lip grabbing the knife in one hand, i knew i had to take it out but hell even i knew it would hurt.

I tugged the knife out as blood continued to pour out. I pulled it out completely, blood gushed out everywhere. The knife was in my hand, but something was off about it. "It's poisoned isn't it." The giant wall moved down "I'm impressed you picked it up so fast. I was hoping you would use your hand to block it though" I may not have an eye after this, i sighed tired of his games. I hunched over my eye still bleeding buckets, i didn't stop for a second though turning all the blood into weapons that chased him.

I jumped in punching him, kicking, stabbing. I was going at 20% which was my average limit to reach when I really fight anyone, the incidents that happen if i go higher are fatal. 

My katana was slicing at light speed and chisaki was barely dodging any, his body was filled with minor cuts. I was hoping to injure him to the point it would slow him down, all i need are the others to get here then it would be over for chisaki. 

I dodged a punch that was sent my way, exchanging it by uppercutting his stomach. I then grabbed his head kneeing it to my knee, then kicked him in his side which sent him flying. I hunched over holding my eye again, it was really hurting, my head was starting to throb too. I heard footsteps getting closer to me, i stood up straight while holding my eye. Overhaul was walking closer menacingly, i took a step back but tripped on nothing. Blood continued to spill from my eye making a runway to my neck.

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