interns pt2

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I woke up this morning to mirko kicking my door open and yelling at me "Get up sleepy head!" I was just laying in my bed looking at the roof for about a minute until i noticed mirko was still standing there. She was wearing a dark blue tank top with bunny pajama pants "Love your taste in fashion." i said with a smile "Thanks, oh and today i'll train with you in the training room and then we are going to patrol." Mirko said as she entered your room, she was about to say something but she was interrupted by her phone ringing. "Mhm?" i hummed in curiosity " hot cheeto man... He wants  to meet us in hasu with his son todoroki in a few days." Mirko looked serious so i jumped out of bed and walked to her without making a sound. " Why? what for?" i said while looking at her phone from her side, she flinched and jumped back away from me "Huh! you were... your skills are crazy good. You kinda scared me." She slowly walked back to me, i just stared at her. "i don't know i think he wants to talk about stain since he's in hasu too, oh wait he sent me something." After a few second of reading her eyes went wide then she frowned "what happened?" she looked at me with mad and sad eyes "Kurayami.." what did i do now? " what did you do to stain. Endeaver said that he was leading the stain mission but stain was found in an alleyway with major wounds all over him, he said one of the officers heard him mumble something with your name in it. What did you do kurayami." i looked at her with innocent eyes "Now why would you assume i did something? I didn't touch stain." Mischief lacing my voice "For some reason i don't fully believe you..  whatever we'll talk about it with endeaver anyways." 

Mirko turned around "get dressed, we're going to train soon. Cya then" she leaves and closes the door. After a few minutes i turned into my real self   "Ug if amaya didn't give me all these rules i would have finished all for one months ago, this act is very annoying. I haven't seen my mafia agency since i started these missions, those idiots might have burned the whole agency already. Stupid..." i said in my normal monotone voice  I rolled my eyes and walked to the closet and picked out some training clothes.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast bar since i don't really eat breakfast, i don't really eat at all. I walked into the training center, it had different sections like gymnastics and weight lifting, boxing, hand to hand fighting ring and quirk fighting rings. "You can do whatever one you want after like 3 hours lets have a hand to had combat practice, Okay?" I looked over and saw mirko doing stretches, i nodded and went to the gymnastics center since i'm not the most flexible or have good balance. I went over to the Bars and stayed at the pole while i took out my phone to learn how to use them and do tricks on them. After i learned all to hard moves and things like giants i jumped on the beam and did  53 giants while turning around and jumping onto the smaller bar. after that i went to the beam and did some back handsprings, back flips, front handspring and flip, chin split (Doing a chin stand and the splits) it was really easy so I got my phone and searched some harder stuff. To be honest the hard stuff did take me 2 or 3 tries but i got it, after that i got bored so i went to the weight lifting center.

I  grabbed the 900kg and started lifting it and doing simple weight lifting exercises.  I was just going around to every center trying differnt things until mirko called me over "Hey sorry we can't do the combat anymore, i got a call and we have patrol earlier then usual." mirko had an apologetic smile on "No problem i'll take a shower and meet you outside next to the #####?" i asked getting my water "Ya, that sounds nice." I started to walk out the gym to your dorm. 

After my shower I got into my hero costume

After my shower I got into my hero costume

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
What is love again? (reader x Todorokiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن