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I stood up from my chair groggly, i hadn't slept at all going around looking for any information about eri or hissaikai and where he is. I may or may not had hacked into nighteye's computer which was highly difficult since they detected me immediately, i had been typing at sonic speed trying to hack down all the alarms and hack in a silent virus so if there was any info about them i would be informed. I had collected so much information that my head was about to explode and i was this close to stomping over there. I walked to the bath tub and turned on the water and crashed into the warm water, my body was aching and tired, i knew i probably looked pale and had bags under my eyes but it was worth it for that girl.

I didn't feel like going to class today, my body was going to callapse if i did anything related to work. I got out of the tube after a while and changed then pulled out my phone texting dad knowing he was at work 


I'm not going to school today.

You can't, you already left the other day, are you okay?

I've been working on something, i'm tired, even if i go to school i won't learn anything.

Fine, i'll excuse you but this is the last time. You have to make up all the work though.


I collapsed on my bed falling asleep immediately everything was tiring and all i wanted to do was sleep.


When i woke up it was dark outside, i stretched then grabbed my phone to find any new thing about eri. I ended up scrolling through the news to see that kirishima and tamaki were attacked on a look around with fat gum. I stood up it was only 10 minutes ago so they were probably still looking around, the timing could be connected with hissakai even though it was unlikly i had to check it out. I changed into my hero costume and walked out of the dorm getting a few looks from my classmates that were in the living room. I checked out and walked to the city fatgum was patrolling, i was jumping from building to building, finally finding a a taped zone with police around. I walked into the zone that was taped to get a closer look at the battle field.

"Ma'me you can't be here." I glanced over to see three police officers walking my way "I need the info on what happened today." I said coldly, the officers stopped looking at each other "Uhm, are you a pro?" I turned around in a little spin and lifted my hat up a little "You can say something like that." A sly smile played on my face as the realization hit the police officers. One put there hand on a gun in there pocket "Why would you need the information for this fight." I sighed "Are you going to give it or not." There was a brief silence then i said "You don't really have a choice." my voice returned to it's cold one. 

The officer in the middle grunted "There was a robbery that fat gum, sun eater and red riot took care of." "I need more info." He took a paper from one of his pockets "This is the summary of what happened." I took it then read. 

A robbery took place at XXX which fat gum, red riot and sun eater took care of. Then sun eater was shot by a gun that left no injuries, the same bullet was shot at red riot but was deflected. The robber who had shot the gun led red riot to an alleyway were he injected himself with a steriod that enhances quirks. He was later taken down by red riot, during the check up with sun eater he had complained that his quirk wasn't working. We had figured out that the bullet was filled with a quirk disabler. 

I looked up from the paper "Was the second bullet that was shot at red riot found?" they nodded. A bullet that can disable quirks could be very dangerous if it's permanent "where is this bullet." they looked at each other wondering if they should give me this information "At a lab in XXX. What are you going to do with th-" I snapped my fingers and all three fell to the floor unconscious "Hey, stay where you are! Put your hands where i can see them." Multiple police officers ran and circled me with their guns pointing at me, i slowly put my hands up then sighed "You see i don't have a lot of time so if you don't mind." I created a portal under my feet and fell through it "We lost her!" was the last thing i heard until i appeared in a white lab. I sat on a counter watching a single scientist examine the supposed bullet wrong.

"You have to slide it to the side so the examine better, i also wouldn't recommend breaking it." The scientist jumped letting out a gasp "Intru-" before he could finish his sentence he was lying on the floor unconscious. I hopped off the counter then put gloves on picking up the bullet and putting it in a ziplock bag and like that i was gone.

I teleported back to my room in the dorms and plopped down on my chair. I stayed there for a while then i examined the bullet that was still inside the ziplock. It was definitely made with blood, the way it swished and the abnormal chunks make it clear that it has been tinkered with. The image of eri and the bandages covering her body, no that can't be possible. Is someone really that evil, if it's what i think it is the world of quirks is in real danger.

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