Sports festival pt 3

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Mic was explaining the rules which were basically 1v1 matches and we have to stay in the barrier, easy. "Oh ya time to show them what we're made of, every year i watch these fights but now i'm in them." Kirishima says, i snicker he was like a kid in a candy shop "Someone's excited." I said "How can i not be this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." He picks me up like i'm a baby and says "I would always dream of this." he puts me down and starts talking to mina and sero. "...Come pick lots to see who you're up against." midnight said but just then ojiro and this other kid want to withdraw. Midoriya and iida try to convince him to stay but they both leave,midnight gets three people from 6th place enter. After that we start to see who our teammates our.

I was the first match of the day, i was going up against someone named shinso.( i made them fight because they declared war on each other) My ears were picking up some foot steps that were coming closer to me then a hand was put on my shoulder. I looked back and some people were staring, what was their problem? "Hello how can i help you?" the boy looked like Aizawa "Don't act so innocent, it's me the kid that you beat up." I looked shocked and bowed "I am so sorry for what i did, I was having a bad day and what you said was my breaking point. And the reason i didn't know you was because i was blind when we first met." I got up and put my assassin glasses on, His name was hitoshi shinso and his quirk was brain wash so i could stop the quirk vessel in his head so his quirk doesn't work. 


I was standing opposite from shinso on the battle field 

"Begin" midnight says

Shinso started to say things to get me to say somethings " So, you're an assassin? are you on a mission or something?" I didn't answer instead i charged at him and pushed him out of bounds.

"Kurayami wins the first round!" i was go back to the bleachers but got stopped by big arms hugging you and another pair of arms hugged you from behind and red wings hugging you too. "I'm so happy for you, you got so far!" the person yelled "Mirko, Hawks! I haven't seen you guys in so long!" you said with an excited face on " That's because you never talk to us." Hawks said from behind me, him and mirko let go of you. "Ya... sorry about that i kinda have been busy with getting ready for the sports festival and stuff." you said with a guilty smile " WOW, so were not important anymore?" Hawks said "YOUR not important, I am." mirko said, they got into a huge argument i was laughing about the whole situation until mirko and hawks said " Yami, who's better me or him/her" Mirko and hawks said at the same time. You looked like you were in court or something "Oh umhm like you guys are both great." you said "But i'm better." hawks said. This lead to another argument about how mirko is at the bottom of the food chain do Hawks was somehow better, all i could do was laugh at there stupidity.

"The third round is about to begin." You looked at the board "Hey guys i'm up!" i said as I started walking to the lobby when i saw todoroki freeze half of the field so after he was declared the winner i ran over with my blue fire to melt the ice. After that it was my turn to fight this vine girl, she seemed pretty nice so i would go easy on her. I was on the other side of the field from the vine girl, she seemed to have good experience with her quirk. 

" Begin!" midnight said

The girl instantly shot vines at me but i burned them, she retracted the vines and looked like she was in pain "Sorry, if i hurt you I won't use my fire anymore.". She looked grateful and said "Thank you but i will have to defeat you now." Then she shot more vines at me i dodged and started running at her, she was still trying to use her vines to stop me. I was really close to her when she turned around and made this vine wall thing and used some vines to throw me back to my end of the field. "Oi! i'm gonna win either way so-" I was cut off by vines being wrapped around me. "Is the famous assassin going down that easily?" I smirked and the vines revealed a demon with my skin peeling of it and the real me disabling my invisibility and used my telekinesis quirk to push her out of bounds. "W-WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!" mic announced and the crowd cheered "She used one of her demons to disguise as her when she was actually invisible then used her telekinesis to push her opponent out of bounds. Very smart tactics to make her opponent think her quirk was fire." Aizawa commented. I looked up and gave him a thumbs up then went to the vine girl and helped her stand up "Your quirk is amazing. But try to work on your hand to hand combat skills and place some vines in the ground so as soon as there is any motion on top of them they can quickly get the person or thing." I said giving her some advice.

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