Completely new start

15 0 0

I was in the hospital with some bandages on, i wanted it to be over, for them to stop torturing me. I rested in my bed trying to get as comfortable as possible, "You're awake." I flinched then shot up "Relax." It was almost a command and you did "It's me." You snorted "I don't know any 'it's me's'" The other person sighed "I'm happy your still joking around." You moved to look at the person you were talking to. Black hair with a pair of black eyes, You two stared at each other for a while then you looked down. I didn't want to see how disgusted he was of me"I'm sorry, i tried to save her." my voice came out so quietly it was almost lower than a whisper. He put a hand on my head, and i lightly snuggled into it, "It wasn't your fault. I wont say you should grieve because i have no say in what you do but... You didn't kill her. And she probably wouldn't want you to act like this." You nodded slowly at he pet your head lightly. Then he cleared his throat and moved his hand back to your dismay "You aren't 18 and don't have a home." I looked at his figure but never met his eyes "I don't want you in foster care so." He cleared his throat again "Kurayami, would like be comfortable if i adopt you." 

My eyes widened in shock, "W-what." "I understand if you wouldn't" You shook your head "No, no. I would love for you to adopt me, it's just the fact that you don't hate me." I said the last part quietly in fear of him changing his mind. "Why would you think i hated you?" I looked down tears forming in my eyes "I killed so many people, and you didn't hate me then but now i killed kura-sa." I could feel him staring holes into me "You did not kill kura-sa, it was unexpected." His voice was firm but yet comforting. I nodded not wanting him to get mad, "It's almost the end of the trimester, i would understand if you wouldn't want to go." He said trying to dismiss the previous topic. "I want to go, i need to get as strong as possible. As strong as two people." A small smile spread against his lips, As he stood up he said "Don't push yourself too hard, i'll be here tomorrow with the adoption papers and to pick you up, you're going to be discharged." I nodded and he left the room.

When he left i squelled like a little girl. i wonder what it's like to have a caring dad, i'll give him all of my money and do whatever he want's if he could just love me like he is now. I squelled again i'm so happy tomorrow will be the second best thing ever. I later fell asleep the rest of the whole day, i was completely exhausted.I had also decided to quit being an assassin, i just hope amaya would also understand, I was also going to give my mafia business to someone else, i was tired and had no time or heart to do things like that anymore. Early in the morning a asked one of the nurses to buy me a phone and she nicely accepted and i paid her for how nice she was even though it wasn't her job, after i made the calls to quit i was just scrolling through my phone. The news of kura-sa's death was all over, at this point I got this little fear for fire. I know it's immature but every bad thing in my lift has been surrounded by fire. I was scrolling through tiktok when i was thinking about my class, then what they would think of me, what todoroki would think of me. Wo wo wo, why would i care what he specifically thought of me. He wasn't someone i knew like that to really care, if you don't count us as kids.

I remembered that i was missing something, i got out of tiktok and scrolled todoroki there i saw an unread message, The resturant info i opened it but instead seeing that is said

T:Are you okay? i heard what happened.

This was yesterday a few hours after she died 

K: Ya, just you know... it's whatever i'm fine.

It took him a minute to reply

T: Okay, you can always talk to me if you need anything

'Okay' was all i could reply when someone knocked on my door, "Come in."I said and the door opened to reveal the black haired man i had been waiting for. "Hey." he said with a gruffy voice, I beamed at him. He sat down on the chair with papers "Okay, you need to sigh this, it's for some simple questions and things i need to be aware of." I took the paper and the pen and got down to writing. It had simple questions like allergies, things I'm, allergic to, fears, and other things like that, while i was writing i would steal glances of Aizawa, i just couldn't believe this at all.

After i finished he left the room with some clothes that the nurse gave me. They were jeans and a hoodie with undergarments. I put it on and it was a nice combo, when i walked out i saw Aizawa talking to this guy in the hallway.

~~Aizawa Pov~~

I was in the room with kurayami as she was finishing the papers i gave her while i was finishing up mine. Even though i was working on my paper i could feel her gaze on me probably in disbelief, i couldn't believe i was doing this either but she is a good kid. And i couldn't believe what she's been through, i could FEEL how broken she was there was one brick holding her up until she broke completely. I let out a small sigh, she looked at me again and said "I'm done." She held the papers out to me and i took them. "The nurse gave you some clothes there over there. I'll wait for you outside." She nodded as i walked out.

I had made it to the corner when i saw mic leaning on the wall on his phone. I walked over and pecked his cheek which he shot up to with a light pick dusting his face "Hey." I said his green eyes were piercing me, we had this little conversation through our eyes. he was asking if she was okay, i nodded "She's fine, but she doesn't seem to bothered with kura-sa's death which is what i'm afraid of. She's good at so many things, i don't know what to strengthen and i don't know her too well to assume anything." He nodded feeling my frustration "It's okay, she'll open up to you with time. Things like this take time." I shook my head "That's the problem, we don't have time. Summer camp is about to start and if she's not feeling good enough to go I won't force her but if she doesn't come she'll be behind. I don't want either, but it's up to her." 

He looked over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow the whispered "Then i think you should talk to her about it." He nodded at something or should i say someone behind me. I looked over to see the girl that would be living with me from now on, she was pretty and i could practically SEE the boys that would line up for her and that made me feel something deep in my chest. I Pushed down the emotion, they only make you think irrationally. She looked so small not the usual command and authority she carried when she was near. "I'm ready." She said in such a small voice, It was near killing me how she changed after someone's death. It just shows how much of a rock that held her kura-sa was, she was an amazing student and will be missed.

"Hey, hey!" Mic said in a somewhat loud voice, he hadn't activated his quirk, probably scared she would back away. She smiled "Hey mic." Her voice was louder and more cheerful, this was another thing i loved about mic, he had that atmosphere that made people happy. "Okay time to go, see you later mic" Kurayami followed me as we walked over to the door, we walked over to my car and i saw the amazment on kurayami's face. I guess she thought i would be poor or something "What's with that look?" I said with an amused smirk, she looked up at me her shock gone " I mean you work at UA what would i expect. I know... the way you dress and that black (C/N) don't really match." I let out a little chuckle as we got into the car "I wanted to ask, since you're my....What do i call you?" I shrugged "Aizawa, guardian, father, dad? I honestly don't know, whatever you want." she nodded "Since your taking care of me do you want all my money...kura-sa wouldn't want to keep her's either." The way she could easily say her name through me off, many people would start crying at the thought.

"It's all up to you, i'll support whatever you choose." She took out her phone and clicked some things then my phone beeped, i sighed at how easily she would give out her money "I left some for me but you have the majority of it, 957,485,281,968."  My eyes widened at the number, and these girls were 15&12. "Gosh... I was going to ask, are you going to summer camp?" I glanced at her, she was looking down at her phone but was doing nothing on it "Will the class hate me?" I looked back at the road. "I can't tell you that, they'll feel hurt but i don't think they'll hate you. Contact them and find out for yourself." I saw her fidgeting with her fingers as she quietly said "I'm not the best at starting conversations or holding them." I nodded, that's the first thing i have to fix, now just to get to work.

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