Vol 3. Chapter 15: SS: Hiyori Shiina - Love Is a Beautiful Thing

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A/N: I wrote more than I expected, literally. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. 

[Word Count: 5350]


[9th October, Friday]

[Hiyori Pov]

I was already ready to vote for Kaoru, until each one of us heard he withdrew his participation for the office of the Student Council President. 

Knowing him, there must be a reason?

As the President of the Student Council, he must surely be busy, wouldn't he? Could he... perhaps been afraid that we two couldn't spend as much time anymore?

No, of course not. 

What am I even thinking, currently?

I heard from him once already, that he wasn't really interested in it. 

But regardless of this, I could see a couple of people being shocked in his class. 

Anyhow, it's not their decision; it's entirely his. If he doesn't want that, they should respect that...

I'm not sure why, but I heard, people were treating Kaoru slightly differently, ever since he's been with me. 

Do they... want to object our relationship?

Nobody in my class minds, though. 

Ryūen-kun is rather amused, and hopes that, despite the fact that he wants to beat him, he joins our class.

Me too, actually. 

I want to be together with him, more than just the afternoon....

The entire day, and after school, too.....

I'm really happy with him—very happy. 

I want to introduce my parents to him...


I'd have loved to meet his, too....

My eyes...

Am I crying again? 

Whenever I remember him telling me about his past and his extremely difficult life until now, I can't help but to cry... 

I can't understand his pain, but I want to become a pillar of comfort, whom he can always, regardless of the situation, lean onto. 

I want to do this much, at the very least... 

Kaoru, I'll come to visit you, once again... 

I hope you really don't mind my unexpected visits, by now. 

For a moment, I was deep in thought, until I decided to take 'this', with me, too. 

He always told me about his life, yet I never told him, about mine. Especially, when mine has been easy, until now. 

Leaving my room, with a small bag, in which a couple of things were in, I pressed the button on the elevator.

"Ah, hello, Shiina-san. Where are you going?" Mei-san asked me.

"To Kaoru..." I muttered beneath my breath. 

Mei-san nodded. "Can you express my greetings and those of the rest of the class? Tell him, he should take care of himself."

I nodded. "Will do."

As Mei-san passed by, heading out to her room, I took the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. 

Once I arrive, I walk towards Kaoru's Room. I pressed his doorbell, but I couldn't help but notice how fast he opened the door, once again. 

"Hiyori, you really didn't have to visit me again. I mean, you're also injured."

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