Vol 3. Chapter 1: Sport's Festival Announcement

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[Third Person Pov]

[14th August, 23.32]

As the Zodiac Exam has concluded in favor of Kurushima's class, Hashimoto immediately contacted Arisu Sakayanagi.

"Princess, did you see it already?" he asked.

"Yes, it seems like we've been denounced to Class B. These class competitions might not get as boring as I initially thought, fufu."

"I'm glad to see you enjoying this situation, Princess."

"Fufu, how could I not, Hashimoto-kun. Finally, something interesting has happened. For the first time ever since I'm in this school, I've not been feeling any ounce of boredom."

"The situation here doesn't look good, among our classmates."

"Well, then they have plenty to complain to Katsuragi-kun. It's not me who lost our class position, after all."

"True enough. Princess, I need to hang off now."

"That's fine. I'll be calling you when I need something. However, before I hang up, Hashimoto-kun, do you know if Kurushima-kun is available for a small little telephone call?"

"I doubt that, Princess. From what I heard, Kurushima-kun has rented the whole pool area for his class and won't take up your phone call. I'm sure I also saw some fireworks coming from the pool location. I didn't know you could buy fireworks here. Ah, how envious I am."

"Fufu, I see. I'll be contacting him tomorrow. For now, let him enjoy this small little celebration."

Saying that, she hung up the phone.


Back to the pool area again, Kurushima could currently be seen going to the bar, ordering a drink.

"Kurushima-kun," someone said.

"Ah, Matsushita-san, how can I help?" he asked.

"I wanted to talk with you. Can we talk in private?" she asked, as there were a handful of people gathered around the bar.

Both of them gained the attention of everyone present, not only because their class suddenly descended up to Class A, but rather about their appearance-wise factor.

Unlike any other students present there, the two of them were covered wet, full of water, while wearing swimsuits.

There wasn't a single other student who celebrated or wore swimsuits aside from them.

"Sure," he said.

"Follow me."

She walked in front of him, leading the way. Kurushima, who was in his thoughts, could potentially think what she wanted to talk about. No, he was quite sure about what she wanted to talk about.

After walking for a few minutes, we finally arrived at a location where no one else was.

"Matsushita-san, what did you want to talk about?" he asked, in a curious tone.

"You see, I always thought that you were cool and handsome since the beginning of the school year. But ever since you saved me at the swimming pool that day, I thought more and more about you. At first, I wasn't sure if I was just feeling gratitude or something more, but over time, I have gotten my answer. Kurushima-kun, I have fallen in love with you. Please go out with me!"

Matsushita confessed, her voice carrying a mix of nervousness and sincerity.

He knew her feelings for him, but he couldn't return them.

"Matsushita-san, thank you for being honest with me. I'm honored about your feelings and appreciate that you see me that way..."

"However, I can not return those feelings," he said, making it immediately clear without talking too much.

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