Vol 2. Chapter 2: Cruise Ship

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[Kurushima Pov]

[19th July]

"Good morning, Class C, I'm here to tell you splendid news. On the 31rd July, we're going on a 2-week cruising trip, on the high luxury liner 'Speranza'," just as Chabashira-sensei finishes her sentence, everyone in the class cheers up.

After discussing more concrete details such as the location, time and necessities for the two week trip, the lesson ended.

Instantly, the time has passed, as it's now the 31rd July.


[31rd July]

Unfortunately for us, the bus would arrive at 3 a.m. So each of us despite being sleepy were required to stay up, until the four busses for the classes arrived.

Upon the arrival of the bus I immediately had gone to the last row on the right side at the window side.

But as I sat down, I could see someone standing at my right side. The person was none other than Matsushita Chiaki.

"Kurushima-kun, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked.

"I don't mind," I responded, as I simply wanted to enjoy my beauty sleep.

"Thank you," she replied, taking a seat right next to me.

I could some girls angered by Matsushita-san, however, they didn't seem to have the energy and didn't say anything. That's good.

Meanwhile as everyone had an seat, I saw from the side Ayanokoji still standing. The only retainable seat in the bus was the one next to Horikita, which was also in the last row on the left side.

I could see him sighing, as he sat down next to Horikita, who took a compass out? 

Wow, poor guy.

"For these five hours we should set a few rules up, Ayanokoji-kun," she exclaimed.

"The most important ones first. Don't look at me, don't lean to me, don't make any noises, don't touch me, don't disturb me, don't talk to me, don't get any erection next to me, don't snore and don't drool."

"For now, that should be everything," she expressed, looking at Ayanokoji expectantly while spinning the compass in her hand. "If I have more, I'll state them right away, independent whether you sleep or not. Just a small reminder, I'm not going to repeat myself."

Ayanokoji simply gulped his throat and nodded his head obediently.

"Kurushima-kun, we don't need any rules, right?" Matsushita-san asked, with an flirtatious tone.

"Yeah..." I yawned, inclining to her that I am tired and sleepy. 

She looked at me a bit disappointed, but shrugged her shoulders off and leaned her head backwards, closing her eyes.

The bus simultaneously also began to drive, as everyone took an seat already. Our destination is Tokyo Bay, which is approximately five hour's away from our current location.

Depending on the situation of the traffic it might also take longer. If there aren't any traffic problems, we should arrive at 8 a.m at our destination.

Anyways, I should sleep for now...

Slowly I took my water bottle, where my sleeping pill were, since I couldn't sleep without them, drank them, and my eyes began to close themselves and I had fallen asleep...


[Matsushita Pov]

"Hraaaarrh," I yawned, stretching my right arm up to the air. However, as much as I tried to stretch my other arm, it wasn't possible.

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