guess what, more Trevek

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It was a rather warm day that day so Krystal had called off challenges and her, Emily, Oliver, Marcus and Nina left to do something. Trevor sat in the sand and trailed a stick acrossed it as he remembers what Derek said about his cooking the other day. Even when Derek reassuered him it was a joke it still hurt. He started feeling doubtful about his cooking skills.

Just then, he heard footsteps in the sand, ones all too common to him. "Hey Derek" Trevor didn't even have to look up to know it was his husband. "Hey Trevor" Derek sat next to him and they just in silence for a while.

"Still hurt over the joke huh" "of course i am, Derek! That joke hurt!' Trevor threw the stick and it landed in the water. Derek had never seen Trevor angry or upset enough to throw stuff before. "Trevor. . . . . . " Trevor looked over. Derek sighed. "I should've never let that joke slip . . ." Trevor's turn to sigh now. "Its . ..fine, I know you love my cooking, I just .. . . have been having my doubts, you know"

Derek laughed at that, "Doubts about what? Your cooking is just fine, we all love it, okay" Trevor smiled and chuckled, shaking his head.

"See, this is why we're together, we always know what to say to each other, also because I'm such a good cook"

"Trev, I love you but, just shut up"

{Yes this was related to that line in the most recent episode, poor Trev felt insulted}

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