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(I got bored please don't question it)

Will looked up as Dan tried getting some fruit out of a tree, having climbed it to get to it as he was to short to get it normally. Not everyone was "blessed" with Will's height after all. But just as he managed to get the fruit he slipped and fell out of the tree.

Luckily Will was there and he caught him with a smile. "Hey, i know you're not on my team but i wasn't going to let you get hurt- . . you okay?" Will had noticed Dan's face was red. Dan hadn't expected to be caught by anyone so he was both embarrassed and surprised.

"I- uh yes i am. . . ." up close Dan realised how attractive Will is. Not to mention he seemed very kind and caring. Sure he was a scaredy cat basically, but he was a really great guy. Dan blushed a bit more as he realised what was happening in his head.

Will was watching the smaller man in his arms seemingly panic internally. 'Dan is . . .kind of cute like this' Will blinked at the thought. Then he smiles. If he were to be with any guy, Dan was one of the better choices.

Will let Dan back on the ground and he dusted himself off, still a little embarrassed about falling into another man's arms. They glanced at each other and then away for a moment. Will smiled and knelt down before kissing Dan on the cheek and then leaving without another word, his face red. Dan's was just as red but he smiled.

Grett scoffed from behind him, "you better not do what i think you're going to do, you're on our team, Dan, no traitors"

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