another Dan and Drew /P fic

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I know i write alot about them i just love them sm

      Drew skipped around the room as Dan focused on fixing his broken controller, Dan had no idea how it broke this way just from Drew dropping it down the stairs. Drew didn't know either, but at least they now know what happens when you drop a controller downstairs and almost hit your over 30 year old friend in the head with it now.

     Tom looked into the room as he passed by and smiled when he saw Drew just playing with Dan's phone as Dan fixed the controller. Drew smiled and took a picture, changing Dan's phone background as a joke. Then turns to Dan as he finished fixing the controller. Dan snatched his phone out of Drew's hands as Drew laughed, Dan being the only one other than Gabby to hear him laugh. Dan smiled, then rolled his eyes at his changed background

     He didn't change it back though, just put the phone back in his pocket and made sure the controller worked. It now worked even better than before the drop, which made Drew very happy. He asks if there's anything else they could test drop and Dan went and fished out an old phone collection he had.

They grinned and tested how much damage each phone could take before it broke. They were safe about it of course although Drew accidentally hurt his cheek when he dropped one on his face by accident, so they stopped. Dan hugged him as he rubbed his bruised cheek, smiling as his best friend started drawing various creatures for Dan.

The rest of the day they hung out peacefully, well, after they got the one phone out of the pool, hey, you can't blame them for forgetting about it

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